The course is designed for all those who need a basic to advance training on web development for full stack development, candidates from non-IT/CS background can also join without any need of prior knowledge.

After the completion of FRESH 90, candidates can opt for advance modules of web development frameworks.

As many frameworks are designed using core, we have a vision of training candidates on core so that they never have to face a problem in understanding further frameworks, as in background core functionality works.

“Aggar basic hi hoga aacha to nahi atkega bacha”

How we have designed the course?

  1. Journey starts with basic html and css for designing webpage and placing components moving to understanding importance of tags for SEO, Formatting, and Structuring.
  2. It includes how webpage responds to tags in different browsers, it also consist of making a page responsive so that components can change according to different screen sizes.
  3. Making animations in CSS makes webpage less laggy.
  4. Now to dynamically manipulate DOM or windows on client’s side, we work on JavaScript, the most important part.
  5. Now-a-days data is transferred in json format so we have to understand json structure and how to display data in webpage from json.
  6. We have to understand working of programs and structures using core java and core c#, so we will focus on all important aspects of it. Further for we will use c# and in jsp/servlets.We will have to use java, so better understand basics.
  7. We will then move to server side technology ( using visual studio, servlet jsp using netbeans IDE, and php using sublime EDITOR/VS)
  8. We will then learn how packets are sent from clients to servers using browser, and how servers respond, and the important concepts of server side scripts.
  9. For server side scripts we need a database to store the data permanently so we will learn sql queries and all other programming aspects in sql.
  10. We have to know how a page gets new content without refreshing, so we will learn ajax using JavaScript.
  11. Let’s get lazier! We will upgrade to jQuery and jQuery-UI so that we CAN reduce the coding efforts and make things easy.
  12. Even jQuery handles ajax very well.Let’s also learn that.
  13. We know that css and JavaScript has to be combined to make pages responsive, so instead of making our own, we will start bootstrap 4, A very well-known framework so far for responsive websites.
  14. At this point, you will be very confident about making a projectusing core thingsfor our assignments. Once you are evaluated by industrial experts, you can opt for either interviews or can move to our next module as suggested by experts or with your own willingness.


  1. Doctype , head <head> elements (meta, title(seo), favicon)
  2. Body, text format tags, layout tags(div, span), (table),basic style, color, font, float, etc.
  3. Semantic tags (article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, mark, nav, section, summary, time, etc)
  4. Form, element types, enctype, etc.
  1. Selectors & properties
  2. Layout formatting (flex, grid, float with width, table)
  3. Text formatting (typography, weight, size, style, color)
  4. Background formatting (backgroundimage, gradient, parallax)
  5. Media query (responsive)
  6. Sudo class
  7. Animation (keyframes)
  1. Variable and loop
  2. Function and log
  3. Math, date, node
  4. Dom manipulation (css, html)
  5. Events (create event, dispatch event, event default, event listener)
  6. Promise, async
  7. Callback function
  8. windows, history, location, local-storage, cookies
  1. Object
  2. Array
  3. Nested JSON
  4. JSON parse, JSON stringify
  1. Introduction to Java
  2. Introduction to IDE
  3. Constructors
  4. Static Keyword
  5. Final Keyword
  6. IIB(Instance Initialize Block)
  7. Polymorphism
  8. This Keyword
  9. Inheritance
  10. Super Keyword
  11. Encapsulation
  12. Dynamic Binding
  13. Abstraction
  14. String, String buffer and String builder.
  15. Generics
  16. Vectors
  17. Exception handling
  18. Multithreading (synchronization)
  19. Garbage Collection
  20. Concurrent collection
  21. Socket programming
  1. Namespaces
  2. Datatypes and variable scope
  3. Arrays and arraylist
  4. String and stringbuilder
  5. Structures and loops
  6. Classes, constructors, properties, and objects
  7. Static, void, methods, and overloading
  8. Inheritance and overriding (virtual, new, override)
  9. Interfaces
  10. Delegates and event model
  11. Exception handling
  12. Multithreading
  13. File handling
  1. Variable, logs and loops
  2. Global and local variable scope
  3. Associative Array, Multidimensional Array
  4. Exception Handling
  5. Function php
  6. Class php
  7. math, date, string, array, object
  8. Session and cookies
  9. Server methods (get,post,put,delete)
  10. File handling/ file upload
  1. Introduction to SERVLET
  2. Life Cycle of servlet
  3. Web.xml
  4. Context Config
  5. Servlet Chaining
  6. Session Management
  7. Cookies management
  8. I/O operations
  9. Filters
  10. Introduction to JSP
  11. Life cycle of JSP
  12. Scripting Elements
  13. Implicit objects
  14. Custom tags
  1. Project directory structure
  2. How application determines default page for an application?
  3. Types of files in application
  4. What happens after compilation?
  5. How stateless and stateful application works?
  6. How engine knows which files to serve?
  7. How engine forms complete html for request using .master, .aspx, .ascx files?
  8. HTTP handlers/ HTTP Modules.
  9. Serialization
  10. Session – inproc, stateserver, sql, custom
  11. Cookies
  12. Caching
  13. Control events
  14. event driven programming
  15. Webform view engine
  16. tags

Application pools in IIS

  1. Datatypes
  2. Ddl query (with constraints)
  3. Dml query (all types of query)
  4. Sub query
  5. Join query
  1. Creating stored procedure
  2. Control flow statements
  3. Cursors
  4. Exception
  5. Dynamic sql
  1. Ajax engine working
  2. State and status codes
  3. Xml http request (with get and post methods)
  1. Selectors
  2. Event binding, event, prevent default
  3. Html/ css manipulator
  4. Traversing
  2. SOAP
  3. REST
  1. Difference between bs3 & bs4
  2. Grid
  3. Classes
  4. Elements (button, dropdown, menu, cards)
  5. Carousal

