Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction: Algorithms, History of C, Structure of C Program. Program Characteristics, Compiler, Linker and preprocessor, pseudo code statements and flowchart symbols, Desirable program characteristics. Program structure. Compilation and Execution of a Program, C Character Set, identifiers and keywords, data types and sizes , constants and its types, variables, Character and character strings, typedef, typecasting |
Unit 2 | Type of operators: Arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, Increment and Decrement operators, assignment operators, the conditional operator, Assignment operators and expression, Precedence and order of EvaluationBlock Structure, Initialization, C Preprocessor
Control Flow: Statements and Blocks, If-Else, Else-If, Switch, Loops- While and For Loops Do-while, Break and Continue, Goto and Labels |
Unit 3 | Functions and Program Structure: Basics of functions. User defined and Library functions, Function parameters, Return values, Recursion External variables, Scope Rules, Standard Input and Output, Formatted Output-printf() and Formatted Input- scanf(), Line Input and Output, Error Handling- StdErr and Exit, Header Files |
Unit 4 | Pointer and Arrays : Pointer and Addresses, Pointer and Function Arguments, Pointer and Arrays, Address Arithmetic, Character Pointers and Functions, Pointer Arrays: Pointers and Functions, Multidimensional Array, Command-line Arguments, Pointers to Functions, Dynamic memory allocation |
Unit 5 | Structures: Basics of structures, Structures and Functions, Arrays of Structures, Pointers to Structures, Unions, Bit-fields, File management in C: Defining and Opening file, Closing a file, Input / Output operations on file, Error handling in C, Random access to files, Command line arguments. |
Semester 1
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Digital Systems and Binary numbers : Introduction to Number systems, Positional Number systems, Conversions (converting between bases), Non positional number systems, Unsigned and Signed binary numbers, Binary Codes, Number representation and storage in computer system. Logic gates and Logic Circuits : Basic and Universal Gates |
Unit 2 | Boolean algebra and Gate level minimization : Introduction, Postulates of Boolean Algebra, Two Valued Boolean Algebra, Principle of Duality, Basic Theorems of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions and their Representation, Gate-Level Minimization (Simplification of Boolean Function), QuineMcCluskey Method, Review questions |
Unit 3 | Combinational logic : Introduction, Analysis and Design Procedure for Combinational Logic Circuits, Types of Combinational Circuit, Review Questions |
Unit 4 | Sequential circuits : Introduction, Latch, Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, Review Questions |
Unit 5 | Applications : Bit Arithmetic and Logic unit, Carry lookahead generator, Binary Multiplication and Division algorithm, Booth’s multiplication algorithm |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Database system : concept and Architecture, Relational model and Relational database constraints. Relational Algebra. |
Unit 2 | Conceptual modelling and database design : Data modelling using the Entity Relationship model (ER).The enhanced entity relationship model. Relational database design by ER and EER model. Practical database design methodology and use of UML diagrams. |
Unit 3 | Database Design theory and normalization: Basics of functional dependencies and normalization for relational databases. Relational database design and further dependencies. |
Unit 4 | Introduction to SQL : Complex queries, triggers, views, joining database tables and schema modification. Query Processing and optimization. File structure, hashing and indexing |
Unit 5 | Transaction management and concurrency control and recovery: Introduction to transaction processing concepts and theory. Concurrency control technique. Database recovery technique. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Set Theory : Introduction, Sets and Elements, Subsets, Venn Diagrams, Set Operations, Algebra of Sets, Duality, Finite Sets, Counting Principle, Classes of Sets, Power Sets, Partitions, Mathematical Induction Relations : Introduction, Product Sets, Relations, Pictorial Representatives of Relations, Composition of Relations, Types of Relations, Closure Properties, Equivalence Relations, Partial Ordering Relations |
Unit 2 | Functions and Algorithms : Introduction, Functions, One-to-One, Onto, and Invertible Functions, Mathematical Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Sequences, Indexed Classes of Sets, Recursively Defined Functions, Cardinality, Algorithms and Functions, Complexity of Algorithms Probability : Introduction, Sample Space and Events, Finite Probability Spaces, Conditional Probability, Independent Events, Independent Repeated Trials, Binomial Distribution, Random Variables, Chebyshev’s Inequality, Law of Large Numbers |
Unit 3 | Techniques of Counting : Introduction, Basic Counting Principles, Mathematical Functions, Permutations, Combinations, the Pigeonhole Principle, The Inclusion–Exclusion Principle, Tree Diagrams Advanced Counting Techniques, Recursion : Introduction, Combinations with Repetitions, Ordered and Unordered Partitions, Inclusion–Exclusion Principle Revisited, Pigeonhole Principle Revisited, Recurrence Relations, Linear Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients, Solving Second Order Homogeneous Linear Recurrence, Relations, Solving General Homogeneous Linear Recurrence Relations |
Unit 4 | Graph Theory : Introduction, Data Structures,,Graphs and Multigraphs, Subgraphs, Isomorphic and Homeomorphic Graphs, Paths, Connectivity, Traversable and Eulerian Graphs, Bridges of Konigsberg, Labeled and Weighted Graphs, Complete, Regular, and Bipartite Graphs, Tree Graphs, Planar Graphs, Graph Colorings, Representing Graphs in Computer Memory, Graph Algorithms, Traveling-Salesman Problem, Solved Problems Directed Graphs : Introduction, Directed Graphs, Basic Definitions, Rooted Trees, Sequential Representation of Directed Graphs, Warshall’s Algorithm, Shortest Paths, Linked Representation of Directed Graphs, Graph Algorithms: Depth-First and Breadth-First Searches, Directed Cycle-Free Graphs, Topological Sort, Pruning Algorithm for Shortest Path |
Unit 5 | Binary Trees : Introduction, Binary Trees,, Complete and Extended Binary Trees, Representing Binary Trees in Memory, Traversing Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Priority Queues, Heaps, Path Lengths, Huffman’s Algorithm, General (Ordered Rooted) Trees Revisited
Ordered Sets and Lattices : Introduction, Ordered Sets, Hasse Diagrams of Partially Ordered Sets, Consistent Enumeration, Supremum and Infimum, Isomorphic (Similar) Ordered Sets, Well Ordered Sets, Lattices 346 Bounded Lattices, Distributive Lattices, Complements, Complemented Lattices |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Fundamentals of Technical Communication : Introduction, The process of communication, Language as tool of communication, levels of communication, The flow of communication, Communication Networks, The importance of technical communication Barriers to communication : Definition of Noise, classification of Barriers Non-verbal Communication : Introduction, Definition, significance of nonverbal, forms of non-verbal communication, types of non-verbal communication |
Unit 2 | The Seven Cs of Effective Communication : Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy, Correctness Conversations : Introduction, Importance of Business conversion, Essential of Business conversion, Conversation Management Meeting and conferences : Introduction, Purpose of Meeting, planning a meeting, Meeting Process, Leading effective meeting, Evaluating meeting, planning conference, teleconferencing Group Discussion and team presentation : Introduction, Benefits of GD, Workplace GD guidelines, Functional and non functional roles in GD, Improving group performance, Assessment of group discussion ,Team presentation Email communication : Introduction, Advantages of email, problems in email communication, Email etiquettes, Techniques of writing Effective Email |
Unit 3 | Active Listening : Introduction, Type of listening, Traits of good listener, Active vs Passive listening, Implication of effective listening Effective presentation Strategies : Introduction, Defining purpose, Analyzing audience and Locale, Organizing contents, preparing outline, Visual Aids, Understanding Nuances of delivery, Kinesics Interview : Introduction, objectives, types of interview, job interviews |
Unit 4 | Business writing : Introduction, Importance of written Business, Five main strategies of writing business messages Business correspondence : Business letter writing, common component of Business letter, Strategies for writing body of a letter, Types of Business letter, writing memos Business reports and proposal : What is report? Steps in writing routine Business report, parts of report, corporate reports and Business proposals Careers and Resume : Introduction to career building, resume format, traditional, electronic and video resumes, sending resume, follow up letters and online recruitment process |
Unit 5 | Communication across Functional areas : Financial communication, MIS Ethics in Business Communication : Ethical communication, Values, ethics and communication, ethical dilemmas facing manager, strategic approaches to corporate ethics Creating and Using Visual Aids : Object, Models, Handouts, Charts and Graphs, Text Visuals , Formatting Computer generated charts, graphs and visuals |
Semester 2
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | INTRODUCTION OF OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN : Introduction, Objects, Class and Instance, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Object-Oriented Analysis , Finding the Objects ,Conceptual Modeling Requirements Model , Analysis Model, The Design Model, The Implementation Model , Test Model, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, The Evolution of Object Model, Object-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Analysis, Elements of Object Model ,The Role of OOAD in the Software Life Cycle, OOAD Methodologies, Grady Booch Approach, STARTING WITH C++: C++ Overview, C++ Character Set, C++ Tokens, Variables, Counting Tokens, Data Types, Qualifiers, Range of Data Types, Your First C++ Program, Structure of a C++ Program, Styles of, Writing C++ Programs, Programming Examples FEATURES OF C++: Introduction, Operators and Expressions, Declaring Constants, Type Conversion, Decision Making: An Introduction, Unconditional Branching Using Goto , Introduction to Looping OPERATORS AND REFERENCES IN C++: Introduction, Scope Resolution Operator, Reference Variables, The Bool Data Type, The Operator New and Delete, Malloc Vs. New ,Pointer Member Operators |
Unit 2 | FUNCTION IN C++: Introduction ,Function Declaration/Prototyping ,,The Main Function in C++,Recursion ,Call by Reference ,Call by Reference Vs Call by Address , Return by Reference ,Inline Function ,Function Overloading ,Function with Default Arguments CLASS AND OBJECTS IN C++ : Working with Class, Structure in C++ ,Accessing Private Data Passing and Returning Object ,Array of Object ,Friend Function ,Static Class Members ,Constant Member Function WORKING WITH CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTOR: Introduction, Constructor with Parameters, Implicit and Explicit Call to Constructor, Copy Constructor, Dynamic Initialization of Objects, Dynamic Constructor, Destructor WORKING WITH OPERATOR OVERLOADING: Introduction, Operator Overloading with Binary Operator Overloading Assignment (=) Operator, Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading Using Friend Function, Rules of Operator Overloading, Type Conversion |
Unit 3 | WORKING WITH INHERITANCE IN C++: Introduction, Types of Inheritance, Public, Private and Protected Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Virtual Base Class, Constructor and Destructor in Inheritance, Containership POINTERS TO OBJECTS AND VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS: Pointer to Objects, The This Pointer, What is Binding in C++? , Virtual Functions ,Working of a Virtual Function ,Rules for Virtual Function ,Pure Virtual Function and Abstract Class ,Object Slicing ,Some Facts about Virtual Function ,Virtual Destructor INPUT-OUTPUT AND MANIPULATORS IN C++: Introduction, C++ Stream Classes, Unformatted Input/Output, Formatted Input /Output Operations, Manipulators |
Unit 4 | FILE HANDLING IN C++: Introduction, File Streams, Opening and Closing a File, File Opening Modes Checking End of File, Random Access in File, Command Line Arguments, Working with Binary Mode Error Handling TEMPLATE PROGRAMMING: Introduction , Function Template , Class Template EXCEPTION HANDLING IN C++ : Introduction , Basics of Exception Handling , Exception Handling Mechanism , Programming Examples ,Exception Handling with Class Catching all Exceptions , Specifying Exception for a Function |
Unit 5 | INTRODUCTION TO THE STANDARD TEMPLATE LIBRARY : Introduction , Components of STL , Containers , Algorithms , Iterators ,Application of Container Classes Function Objects MANIPULATING STRINGS :Introduction , Creating (string) Objects , Manipulating String Objects , Relational Operations, String Characteristics , Accessing Characters in Strings , Comparing and Swapping NEW FEATURES OF ANSI C++ STANDARD : Introduction ,New Data Types , New Operators , Class Implementation , Namespace Scope , Operator Keywords , New Keywords , New Headers |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Microprocessor, microcomputers, and Assembly Language: Microprocessor, Microprocessor Instruction Set and Computer Languages, From Large Computers to Single-ChipMicrocontrollers, Applications. Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputer System: Microprocessor Architecture and its operation’s, Memory, I/O Devices, Microcomputer System, Logic Devices and Interfacing, Microprocessor-Based System Application. 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Memory Interface: Introduction, 8085 Microprocessor unit, 8085-Based Microcomputer, Memory Interfacing,Interfacing the8085 Memory Segment. |
Unit 2 | Interfacing of I/O Devices : Basic Interfacing concepts, Interfacing Output Displays, Interfacing Input Devices, Memory Mapped I/O, Testing and Troubleshooting I/O Interfacing Circuits. Introduction to 8085 Assembly Language Programming: The 8085 Programming Model, Instruction Classification, Instruction, Data and Storage, Writing assembling and Execution of a simple program, Overview of 8085 Instruction Set, Writing and Assembling Program. Introduction to 8085 Instructions: Data Transfer Operations, Arithmetic Operations, Logic Operation,Branch Operation, Writing Assembly Languages Programs, Debugging a Program. |
Unit 3 | Programming Techniques With Additional Instructions: ProgrammingTechniques: Looping, Counting and Indexing, Additional Data Transfer and 16-Bit Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instruction Related to Memory, Logic Operations: Rotate, Logics Operations: Compare, Dynamic Debugging. Counters and Time Delays: Counters and Time Delays, Illustrative Program: Hexadecimal Counter, Illustrative Program: zero-to-nine (Modulo Ten) Counter, Generating Pulse Waveforms, Debugging Counter and Time-Delay Programs. Stacks and Sub-Routines: Stack, Subroutine, Restart, Conditional Call, Return Instructions, Advanced Subroutine concepts. Interrupts: The 8085 Interrupt, 8085 Vectored and Non vectored Interrupts, Restart as S/W Instructions. |
Unit 4 | Micro Controllers: Embedded Systems and general purpose computer systems, history, classifications, applications and purpose of embedded systems. Embedded Hardware: Memory map, i/o map, interrupt map, processor family, external peripherals, memory – RAM , ROM, types of RAM and ROM, memory testing, CRC ,Flash memory. Peripherals: Control and Status Registers, Device Driver, Timer watch Timer The 8051 Microcontrollers: Microcontrollers and Embedded processors, Overview of 8051 family.8051 Microcontroller hardware, Input/output pins, Ports, and Circuits, External Memory. 8051 Programming in C: Data Types and time delay in 8051 C, I/O Programming, Logic operations, Data conversion Programs. |
Unit 5 | Designing Embedded System with 8051 Microcontroller: Factors to be considered in selecting a controller, why 8051 Microcontroller, Designing with 8051. Programming embedded systems: structure of embedded program, infinite loop, compiling, linking and debugging. Design and Development: Embedded system, development Environment – IDE, types of file generated on cross compilation, Embedded Product Development cycle and Trends in embedded Industry |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Internet and the World Wide Web: What is Internet? Applications of Internet, E-mail, Telnet, FTP, E-commerce and Ebusiness. Internet Service Providers, Domain Name Server, Internet Address, World Wide Web (WWW): World Wide Web and its Evolution, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Browsers, Common Features of Browsers, Search Engine, Web Server, HTTP Protocol. HTML5: Introduction, Formatting Text by using Tags, Using Lists, Creating Hyperlinks and Bookmarks, Defining Metadata about an HTML Document, Redirecting to another URL. CSS: Implementing Styles using CSS – Stylesheets, Formatting Text and Links using CSS, CSS Selectors, Changing Background, Adding Border, Margin and Padding, Setting Dimensions, Using Inline Container to mark up a part of a text. |
Unit 2 | HTML Page Layout: Using Layout Elements, Semantic Elements, Creating, Positioning and Formatting Divisions, Floating Divisions next to each other, Responsive Web Design, Inline Frames. HTML Media, Tables and Forms: Embedding Images, Creating Client-side and Server-side Image Map, adding Favicon, Embedding audio and video on web page. Creating Simple Table, Table Dimension, Merging Table Cells, Formatting Tables: Applying Borders, Background and Foreground fills, Changing Cell Padding, Spacing and Alignment Collecting user input with HTML Forms, Additional Input Types in HTML5. |
Unit 3 | JavaScript: Introduction, Difference between Client-side and Server-side Scripting, JavaScript Variables and Constants, Data Types, Statements, Comments, Functions, Variable Scope, Hoisting, Strict Mode, JavaScript Objects, Dialog Boxes, void Keyword Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators Statements: Conditional Statements – if else, switch, Loops – while, do while, for, for in, for of, Loop Control – break, continue, labels JavaScript Objects: User-defined Objects, with Keyword, Native Objects – Array, String, Date, Math, Number, RegExp DOM: Introduction, DOM Properties and Methods. Browser BOM: Moving back and forward with History, Cookies Events and Event Handlers: HTML Events, DOM Events, DOM Event Listener, onAbort, onBlur, onChange, onClick, onDblClick, onError, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onReset, onResize, onSelect, onSubmit, onUnload |
Unit 4 | PHP: Introduction, Server-side Scripting, PHP Syntax and Comments, Variables and Constants, Data Types, Control Structures, Looping, Loop Termination, Functions, PHP Form Handling, PHP Form Validation, Superglobals, PHP Arrays, PHP Strings, PHP RegEx, PHP Numbers, PHP Math, Basic PHP Errors |
Unit 5 | Advanced PHP: PHP Date and Time, PHP Include, PHP Cookies, PHP Sessions, Validating and Sanitizing Data with PHP Filters PHP and MySQL Why PHP and MySQL? Connect to MySQL, Creating Database and Tables, Inserting Single and Multiple Rows, Retrieving Last ID, MySQL Prepared, Selecting Data, Updating Data, Deleting Data, Limiting Data. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving: A Simple Mathematical Model, Conservation Laws and Engineering Problems Approximations and Round-Off Errors: Significant Figures,Accuracy and Precision, Error Definitions, Round-Off Errors Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series: The Taylor Series, Error Propagation, Total Numerical Errors, Formulation Errors and Data Uncertainty |
Unit 2 | Solutions of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: The Bisection Method, The Newton-Raphson Method, The Regula-falsi method, The Secant Method. Interpolation: Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newton’s Forward Difference Interpolation, Newton’s Backward Difference Interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation |
Unit 3 | Solution of simultaneous algebraic equations (linear) using iterative methods: Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss-Seidel Method. Numerical differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration using Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rules |
Unit 4 | Numerical solution of 1st and 2nd order differential equations: Taylor series, Euler’s Method, Modified Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta Method for 1st and 2nd Order Differential Equations. Least-Squares Regression: Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, General Linear Least Squares, Nonlinear Regression |
Unit 5 | Linear Programming: Linear optimization problem, Formulation and Graphical solution, Basic solution and Feasible solution. Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: Classification of Partial Differential Equations of the second order, Difference equation corresponding to Laplace Equation, Liebmann’s Iteration Process, Bender-Schmidt’s Difference Equation corresponding to the parabolic equation, Crank Nicolson’s difference equations corresponding to the parabolic equation, Difference equation corresponding to the Hyperbolic equation. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Overview to Green IT: Problems: Toxins, Power Consumption, Equipment Disposal, Company’s Carbon Footprint: Measuring, Details, reasons to bother, Plan for the Future, Cost Savings: Hardware, Power. Regulating Green IT: Laws, Standards and Protocols Introduction, The Regulatory Environment and IT Manufacturers RoHS, REACh, WEEE, Legislating for GHG Emissions and Energy Use of IT Equipment. Nonregulatory Government Initiatives, Industry Associations and Standards Bodies, Green Building Standards, Green Data Centres , Social Movements and Greenpeace. |
Unit 2 | Minimizing Power Usage: Power Problems, Monitoring Power Usage, Servers, Low-CostOptions, Reducing Power Use, Data De-Duplication, Virtualization, Management, Bigger Drives, Involving the Utility Company, LowPower Computers, PCs, Linux, Components, Servers, ComputerSettings, Storage, Monitors, Power Supplies, Wireless Devices, Software. Cooling: Cooling Costs, Power Cost, Causes of Cost, Calculating CoolingNeeds, Reducing Cooling Costs, Economizers, On-Demand Cooling, HP’s Solution, Optimizing Airflow, Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle, Raised, Floors, Cable Management, Vapour Seal, Prevent Recirculation of Equipment Exhaust, Supply Air Directly to Heat Sources, Fans, Humidity, Adding Cooling, Fluid Considerations, System Design, Datacentre Design, Centralized Control, Design for Your Needs, Put Everything Together. |
Unit 3 | Greening IT: Green PCs, Notebooks and Servers, Green Data Centres , Green Cloud Computing, Green Data Storage , Green Software, Green Networking and Communications. Changing the Way of Work: Old Behaviours, starting at the Top, Process Reengineering with Green in Mind, Analysing the Global Impact of Local Actions, Steps: Water, Recycling, Energy, Pollutants, Teleworkers and Outsourcing, Telecommuting, Outsourcing, how to Outsource. Going Paperless: Paper Problems, The Environment, Costs: Paper and Office, Practicality, Storage, Destruction, Going Paperless, Organizational Realities, Changing Over, Paperless Billing, Handheld Computers vs. the Clipboard, Unified Communications, Intranets, What to Include, Building an Intranet, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Nuts and Bolts, Value Added Networks, Advantages, Obstacles |
Unit 4 | Recycling: Means of Disposal, Recycling, Refurbishing, Make the Decision, Life Cycle, from beginning to end, Life, Cost, Green Design, Recycling Companies, Finding the Best One, Checklist, Certifications, Hard Drive Recycling, Consequences, cleaning a Hard Drive, Pros and cons of each method, CDs and DVDs, good and bad about CD and DVDs disposal, Change the mindset, David vs. America Online. Hardware Considerations: Certification Programs, EPEAT, RoHS, Energy Star, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Scanners, All-in-Ones, Thin Clients, Servers, Blade Servers, Consolidation, Products, Hardware Considerations, Planned Obsolescence, Packaging, Toxins, Other Factors, Remote Desktop, Using Remote Desktop, Establishing a Connection. |
Unit 5 | Greening Your Information Systems: Initial Improvement Calculations, Selecting Metrics, Tracking Progress, Change Business Processes, Customer Interaction, Paper Reduction, Green Supply Chain, Improve Technology Infrastructure, Reduce PCs and Servers, Shared Services, Hardware Costs, Cooling. Staying Green: Organizational Check-ups, Chief Green Officer, Evolution, Sell the CEO, SMART Goals, Equipment Check-ups, Gather Data, Tracking the data, Baseline Data, Benchmarking, Analyse Data, Conduct Audits, Certifications, Benefits, Realities, Helpful Organizations. |