Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Automata Theory: Defining Automaton, Finite Automaton, Transitios and Its properties, Acceptability by Finite Automaton, Nondeterministic Finite State Machines, DFA and NDFA equivalence, Mealy and Moore Machines, Minimizing Automata.
Formal Languges: Defining Grammar, Derivations, Languges generated by Grammar, Comsky Classification of Grammar and Languages, Recursive Enumerable Sets, Operations on Languages, Languages and Automata |
Unit 2 | Regular Sets and Regular Grammar: Regular Grammar, Regular Expressions, Finite automata and Regular Expressions, Pumping Lemma and its Applications, Closure Properties, Regular Sets and Regular Grammar
Context Free Languages: Context-free Languages, Derivation Tree, Ambiguity of Grammar, CFG simplification, Normal Forms, Pumping Lemma for CFG Pushdown Automata: Definitions, Acceptance by PDA, PDA and CFG |
Unit 3 | Linear Bound Automata: The Linear Bound Automata Model, Linear Bound Automata and Languages.
Turing Machines: Turing Machine Definition, Representations, Acceptability by Turing Machines, Designing and Description of Turing Machines, Turing Machine Construction, Variants of Turing Machine, Undecidability: The Church-Turing thesis, Universal Turing Machine, Halting Problem, Introduction to Unsolvable Problems |
Semester 3
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | The Java Language: Features of Java, Java programming format, Java Tokens, Java Statements, Java Data Types, Typecasting, Arrays
OOPS: Introduction, Class, Object, Static Keywords, Constructors, this Key Word, Inheritance, super Key Word, Polymorphism (overloading and overriding), Abstraction, Encapsulation, Abstract Classes, Interfaces String Manipulations: String, String Buffer, String Tokenizer Packages: Introduction to predefined packages (java.lang, java.util, java.io, java.sql, java.swing), User Defined Packages, Access specifiers |
Unit 2 | Exception Handling: Introduction, Pre-Defined Exceptions, Try-Catch-Finally, Throws, throw, User Defined Exception examples
Multithreading: Thread Creations, Thread Life Cycle, Life Cycle Methods, Synchronization, Wait() notify() notify all() methods I/O Streams: Introduction, Byte-oriented streams, Character- oriented streams, File, Random access File, Serialization Networking: Introduction, Socket, Server socket, Client –Server Communication |
Unit 3 | Wrapper Classes: Introduction, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes
Collection Framework: Introduction, util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map, List interface & its classes, Set interface & its classes, Map interface & its classes Inner Classes: Introduction, Member inner class, Static inner class, Local inner class, Anonymous inner class AWT: Introduction, Components, Event-Delegation-Model, Listeners, Layouts, Individual components Label, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button, Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction and Operating-Systems Structures: Definition of Operating system, Operating System’s role, Operating-System Operations, Functions of Operating System, Computing Environments
Operating-System Structures: Operating-System Services, User and Operating-System Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, Operating-System Structure Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Interprocess Communication Threads: Overview, Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models |
Unit 2 | Process Synchronization: General structure of a typical process, race condition, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors
CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SJF, SRTF, Priority, RR, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling), Thread Scheduling Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock |
Unit 3 | Main Memory: Background, Logical address space, Physical address space, MMU, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging, Structure of the Page Table
Virtual Memory: Background, Demand Paging, Copy-on-Write, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing Mass-Storage Structure: Overview, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File-System Mounting, File Sharing |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Stored Procedures: Types and benefits of stored procedures, creating stored procedures, executing stored procedures, altering stored procedures, viewing stored procedures.
Triggers: Concept of triggers, Implementing triggers – creating triggers, Insert, delete, and update triggers, nested triggers, viewing, deleting and modifying triggers, and enforcing data integrity through triggers. Sequences: creating sequences, referencing, altering and dropping a sequence. File Organization and Indexing: Cluster, Primary and secondary indexing, Index data structure: hash and Tree based indexing, Comparison of file organization: cost model, Heap files, sorted files, clustered files. Creating, dropping and maintaining indexes. |
Unit 2 | Fundamentals of PL/SQL: Defining variables and constants, PL/SQL expressions and comparisons: Logical Operators, Boolean Expressions, CASE Expressions Handling, Null Values in Comparisons and Conditional
Statements, PL/SQL Datatypes: Number Types, Character Types, Boolean Type, Datetime and Interval Types. Overview of PL/SQL Control Structures: Conditional Control: IF and CASE Statements, IF-THEN Statement, IF-THEN-ELSE Statement, IFTHEN-ELSIF Statement, CASE Statement, Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statements, WHILE-LOOP, FOR-LOOP, Sequential Control: GOTO and NULL Statements |
Unit 3 | Transaction Management: ACID Properties, Serializability, Two-phase Commit Protocol, Concurrency Control, Lock Management, Lost Update Problem, Inconsistent Read Problem , Read-Write Locks, Deadlocks Handling, Two Phase Locking protocol.
DCL Statements: Defining a transaction, Making Changes Permanent with COMMIT, Undoing Changes with ROLLBACK, Undoing Partial Changes with SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK Crash Recovery: ARIES algorithm. The log based recovery, recovery related structures like transaction and dirty page table, Write-ahead log protocol, check points, recovery from a system crash, Redo and Undo phases. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Combinatorics: Enumeration, Combinatorics and Graph Theory/ Number Theory/Geometry and Optimization, Sudoku Puzzles.
Strings, Sets, and Binomial Coefficients: Strings- A First Look, Combinations, Combinatorial, The Ubiquitous Nature of Binomial Coefficients, The Binomial, Multinomial Coefficients. Induction: Introduction, The Positive Integers are Well Ordered, The Meaning of Statements, Binomial Coefficients Revisited, Solving Combinatorial Problems Recursively, Mathematical Induction, and Inductive Definitions Proofs by Induction. Strong Induction |
Unit 2 | Graph Theory: Basic Notation and Terminology, Multigraphs: Loops and Multiple Edges, Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Graph Coloring, Planar Counting, Labeled Trees, A Digression into Complexity Theory. Applying Probability to Combinatorics, Small Ramsey Numbers, Estimating Ramsey Numbers, Applying Probability to Ramsey Theory, Ramsey’s Theorem The Probabilistic Method |
Unit 3 | Network Flows: Basic Notation and Terminology, Flows and Cuts, Augmenting Paths, The Ford-Fulkerson Labeling Algorithm, A Concrete Example, Integer Solutions of Linear Programming Problems. Combinatorial Applications of Network Flows: Introduction, Matching in Bipartite Graphs, Chain partitioning, Pólya’s Enumeration Theorem: Coloring the Vertices of a Square. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | SoC and Raspberry Pi System on Chip: What is System on chip? Structure of System on Chip. SoC products: FPGA, GPU, APU, Compute Units. ARM 8 Architecture: SoC on ARM 8. ARM 8 Architecture Introduction Introduction to Raspberry Pi: Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Hardware, Preparing your raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi Boot: Learn how this small SoC boots without BIOS. Configuring boot sequences and hardware. |
Unit 2 | Programming Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi and Linux: About Raspbian, Linux Commands, Configuring Raspberry Pi with Linux Commands Programing interfaces: Introduction to Node.js, Python. Raspberry Pi Interfaces: UART, GPIO, I2C, SPI Useful Implementations: Cross Compilation, Pulse Width Modulation, SPI for Camera. |
Unit 3 | Introduction to IoT: What is IoT? IoT examples, Simple IoT LED Program. IoT and Protocols IoT Security: HTTP, UPnp, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP. IoT Service as a Platform: Clayster, Thinger.io, SenseIoT, carriots and Node RED. IoT Security and Interoperability: Risks, Modes of Attacks, Tools for Security and Interoperability. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | HTML5: Fundamental Elements of HTML, Formatting Text in HTML, Organizing Text in HTML, Links and URLs in HTML, Tables in HTML, Images on a Web Page, Image Formats, Image Maps, Colors, FORMs in HTML, Interactive Elements, Working with Multimedia – Audio and Video File Formats, HTML elements for inserting Audio / Video on a web page
CSS: Understanding the Syntax of CSS, CSS Selectors, Inserting CSS in an HTML Document, CSS properties to work with background of a Page, CSS properties to work with Fonts and Text Styles, CSS properties for positioning an element. |
Unit 2 | JavaScript: Using JavaScript in an HTML Document, Programming Fundamentals of JavaScript – Variables, Operators, Control Flow Statements, Popup Boxes, Functions – Defining and Invoking a Function, Defining Function arguments, Defining a Return Statement, Calling Functions with Timer, JavaScript Objects – String, RegExp, Math, Date, Browser Objects – Window, Navigator, History, Location, Document, Cookies, Document Object Model, Form Validation using JavaScript
XML: Comparing XML with HTML, Advantages and Disadvantages of XML,Structure of an XML Document, XML Entity References, DTD, XSLT: XSLT Elements and Attributes – xsl:template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:import, xsl:call-template, xsl:include, xsl:element, xsl:attribute, e xsl:attribute-set, xsl:value-of. |
Unit 3 | AJAX: AJAX Web Application Model, How AJAX Works, XMLHttpRequest Object – Properties and Methods, Handling asynchronous requests using AJAX
PHP: Variables and Operators, Program Flow, Arrays, Working with Files and Directories, Working with Databases, Working with Cookies, Sessions and Headers Introduction to jQuery: Fundamentals, Selectors, methods to access HTML attributes, methods for traversing, manipulators, events, effects. |
Semester 4
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction to algorithm, Why to analysis algorithm, Running time analysis, How to Compare Algorithms, Rate of Growth, Commonly Used Rates of Growth, Types of Analysis, Asymptotic Notation, Big-O Notation, Omega-Ω Notation, Theta-Θ Notation, Asymptotic Analysis, Properties of Notations, Commonly used Logarithms and Summations, Performance characteristics of algorithms, Master Theorem for Divide and Conquer, Divide and Conquer Master Theorem: Problems & Solutions, Master Theorem for Subtract and Conquer Recurrences, Method of Guessing and Confirming |
Unit 2 | Tree algorithms: What is a Tree? Glossary, Binary Trees, Types of Binary Trees, Properties of Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Generic Trees (N-ary Trees), Threaded Binary Tree Traversals, Expression Trees, Binary Search Trees (BSTs), Balanced Binary Search Trees, AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) Trees
Graph Algorithms: Introduction, Glossary, Applications of Graphs, Graph Representation, Graph Traversals, Topological Sort, Shortest Path Algorithms, Minimal Spanning Tree Selection Algorithms: What are Selection Algorithms? Selection by Sorting, Partition-based Selection Algorithm, Linear Selection Algorithm – Median of Medians Algorithm, Finding the K Smallest Elements in Sorted Order |
Unit 3 | Algorithms Design Techniques: Introduction, Classification, Classification by Implementation Method, Classification by Design Method
Greedy Algorithms: Introduction, Greedy Strategy, Elements of Greedy Algorithms, Advantages and Disadvantages of Greedy Method, Greedy Applications, Understanding Greedy Technique Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Introduction, What is Divide and Conquer Strategy? Divide and Conquer Visualization, Understanding Divide and Conquer, Advantages of Divide and Conquer, Disadvantages of Divide and Conquer, Master Theorem, Divide and Conquer Applications Dynamic Programming: Introduction, What is Dynamic Programming Strategy? Properties of Dynamic Programming Strategy, Problems which can be solved using Dynamic Programming, Dynamic Programming Approaches, Examples of Dynamic Programming Algorithms, Understanding Dynamic Programming, Longest Common Subsequence |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Swing: Need for swing components, Difference between AWT and swing, Components hierarchy, Panes, Swing components: Jlabel, JTextField and JPasswordField, JTextAres, JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JComboBox and JList
JDBC: Introduction, JDBC Architecture, Types of Drivers, Statement, ResultSet, Read Only ResultSet, Updatable ResultSet, Forward Only ResultSet, Scrollable ResultSet, PreparedStatement, Connection Modes, SavePoint, Batch Updations, CallableStatement, BLOB & CLOB |
Unit 2 | Servlets: Introduction, Web application Architecture, Http Protocol & Http Methods, Web Server & Web Container, Servlet Interface, GenericServlet, HttpServlet, Servlet Life Cycle, ServletConfig, ServletContext, Servlet Communication, Session Tracking Mechanisms
JSP: Introduction, JSP LifeCycle, JSP Implicit Objects & Scopes, JSP Directives, JSP Scripting Elements, JSP Actions: Standard actions and customized actions, |
Unit 3 | Java Beans: Introduction, JavaBeans Properties, Examples
Struts 2: Basic MVC Architecture, Struts 2 framework features, Struts 2 MVC pattern, Request life cycle, Examples, Configuration Files, Actions, Interceptors, Results & Result Types, Value Stack/OGNL JSON: Overview, Syntax, DataTypes, Objects, Schema, Comparison with XML, JSON with Java |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction Network Models: Introduction to data communication, Components, Data Representation, Data Flow, Networks, Network Criteria, Physical Structures, Network types, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Switching, The Internet, Accessing the Internet, standards and administration Internet Standards. Network Models, Protocol layering, Scenarios, Principles of Protocol Layering, Logical Connections, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Layered Architecture, Layers in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Encapsulation and Decapsulation, Addressing, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing. Detailed introduction to Physical Layer, Detailed introduction to Data-Link Layer, Detailed introduction to Network Layer, Detailed introduction to Transport Layer, Detailed introduction to Application Layer. Data and Signals, Analog and Digital Data, Analog and Digital Signals, Sine Wave Phase, Wavelength, Time and Frequency Domains, Composite Signals, Bandwidth, Digital Signal, Bit Rate, Bit Length, Transmission of Digital Signals, Transmission Impairments, Attenuation, Distortion, Noise, Data Rate Limits, Performance, Bandwidth, Throughput, Latency (Delay) |
Unit 2 | Introduction to Physical Layer and Data-Link Layer: Digital Transmission digital-to-digital conversion, Line Coding, Line Coding Schemes, analog-to-digital conversion, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Transmission Modes, Parallel Transmission, Serial Transmission. Analog Transmission, digital-to-analog Conversion, Aspects of Digital-to-Analog Conversion, Amplitude Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying, analog-to-analog Conversion, Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation (PM), Multiplexing, Frequency-Division Multiplexing, Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, Time-Division Multiplexing. Transmission Media, Guided Media, Twisted-Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Fiber-Optic Cable. Switching, Three Methods of Switching , Circuit Switched Networks, Packet Switching, Introduction to Data-Link Layer, Nodes and Links, Services, Two Sub-layers, Three Types of addresses, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Error Detection and Correction, introduction, Types of Errors, Redundancy, Detection versus Correction, |
Unit 3 | Network layer, Transport Layer Media Access Control (MAC), random access, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, controlled access, Reservation, Polling, Token Passing, channelization, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs, connecting devices, Hubs, Link-Layer 15L Switches, Routers, Introduction to Network Layer, network layer services, Packetizing, Routing and Forwarding, Other Services, IPv4 addresses, Address Space, Classful Addressing. Unicast Routing, General Idea, Least-Cost Routing, Routing Algorithms, Distance-Vector Routing, Link-State Routing, Path-Vector Routing, Introduction to Transport Layer, Transport-Layer Services, Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Protocols. Transport-Layer Protocols, Service, Port Numbers, User Datagram Protocol, User Datagram, UDP Services, UDP Applications, Transmission Control Protocol, TCP Services, TCP Features, Segment. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Introduction: The Nature of Software, Software Engineering, The Software Process, Generic Process Model, The Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Concurrent Models, Component-Based Development, The Unified Process Phases, Agile Development- Agility, Agile Process, Extreme Programming
Requirement Analysis and System Modeling: Requirements Engineering, Eliciting Requirements, SRS Validation, Components of SRS, Characteristics of SRS , Object-oriented design using the UML – Class diagram, Object diagram, Use case diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, State chart diagram, Activity diagram, Component diagram, Deployment diagram |
Unit 2 | System Design: System/Software Design, Architectural Design, Low-Level Design Coupling and Cohesion, Functional-Oriented Versus The Object-Oriented Approach, Design Specifications, Verification for Design, Monitoring and Control for Design
Software Measurement and Metrics: Product Metrics – Measures, Metrics, and Indicators, Function-Based Metrics, Metrics for Object-Oriented Design, Operation-Oriented Metrics, User Interface Design Metrics, Metrics for Source Code, Halstead Metrics Applied to Testing, Metrics for Maintenance, Cyclomatic Complexity, Software Measurement – Size-Oriented, Function-Oriented Metrics, Metrics for Software Quality Software Project Management: Estimation in Project Planning Process –Software Scope And Feasibility, Resource Estimation, Empirical Estimation Models – COCOMO II, Estimation for Agile Development, The Make/Buy Decision, Project Scheduling – Basic Principles, Relationship Between People and Effort, Effort Distribution, Time-Line Charts |
Unit 3 | Risk Management – Software Risks, Risk Identification, Risk Projection and Risk Refinement, RMMM Plan
Software Quality Assurance: Elements of SQA, SQA Tasks, Goals, and Metrics, Formal Approaches to SQA, Six Sigma, Software Reliability, The ISO 9000 Quality Standards, Capability Maturity Model Software Testing : Verification and Validation, Introduction to Testing, Testing Principles, Testing Objectives, Test Oracles, Levels of Testing, White-Box Testing/Structural Testing, Functional/Black-Box Testing, Test Plan, Test-Case Design |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | Field: Introduction to complex numbers, numbers in Python , Abstracting over fields, Playing with GF(2), Vector Space: Vectors are functions, Vector addition, Scalar-vector multiplication, Combining vector addition and scalar multiplication, Dictionary-based representations of vectors, Dot-product, Solving a triangular system of linear equations. Linear combination, Span, The geometry of sets of vectors, Vector spaces, Linear systems, homogeneous and otherwise |
Unit 2 | Matrix: Matrices as vectors, Transpose, Matrix-vector and vector-matrix multiplication in terms of linear combinations, Matrix-vector multiplication in terms of dot-products, Null space, Computing sparse matrix-vector product, Linear functions, Matrix-matrix multiplication, Inner product and outer product, From function inverse to matrix inverse
Basis: Coordinate systems, Two greedy algorithms for finding a set of generators, Minimum Spanning Forest and GF(2), Linear dependence, Basis , Unique representation, Change of basis, first look, Computational problems involving finding a basis Dimension: Dimension and rank, Direct sum, Dimension and linear functions, The annihilator |
Unit 3 | Gaussian elimination: Echelon form, Gaussian elimination over GF(2), Solving a matrix-vector equation using Gaussian elimination, Finding a basis for the null space, Factoring integers,
Inner Product: The inner product for vectors over the reals, Orthogonality, Orthogonalization: Projection orthogonal to multiple vectors, Projecting orthogonal to mutually orthogonal vectors, Building an orthogonal set of generators, Orthogonal complement, Eigenvector: Modeling discrete dynamic processes, Diagonalization of the Fibonacci matrix, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Coordinate representation in terms of eigenvectors, The Internet worm, Existence of eigenvalues, Markov chains, Modeling a web surfer: PageRank. |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | The .NET Framework:.NET Languages, Common Language Runtime, .NET Class Library
C# Language Basics: Comments, Variables and Data Types, Variable Operations, Object-Based Manipulation, Conditional Logic, Loops, Methods, Classes, Value Types and Reference Types, Namespaces and Assemblies, Inheritance, Static Members, Casting Objects, Partial Classes ASP.NET: Creating Websites, Anatomy of a Web Form – Page Directive, Doctype, Writing Code – Code-Behind Class, Adding Event Handlers, Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application – ASP.NET File Types, ASP.NET Web Folders, HTML Server Controls – View State, HTML Control Classes, HTML Control Events, HtmlControl Base Class, HtmlContainerControl Class, HtmlInputControl Class, Page Class, global.asax File, web.config File |
Unit 2 | Web Controls: Web Control Classes, WebControl Base Class, List Controls, Table Controls, Web Control Events and AutoPostBack, Page Life Cycle
State Management: ViewState, Cross-Page Posting, Query String, Cookies, Session State, Configuring Session State, Application State Validation: Validation Controls, Server-Side Validation, Client-Side Validation, HTML5 Validation, Manual Validation, Validation with Regular Expressions Rich Controls: Calendar Control, AdRotator Control, MultiView Control Themes and Master Pages: How Themes Work, Applying a Simple Theme, Handling Theme Conflicts, Simple Master Page and Content Page, Connecting Master pages and Content Pages, Master Page with Multiple Content Regions, Master Pages and Relative Paths Website Navigation: Site Maps, URL Mapping and Routing, SiteMapPath Control, TreeView Control, Menu Control. |
Unit 3 | ADO.NET: Data Provider Model, Direct Data Access – Creating a Connection, Select Command, DataReader, Disconnected Data Access
Data Binding: Introduction, Single-Value Data Binding, Repeated-Value Data Binding, Data Source Controls – SqlDataSource Data Controls: GridView, DetailsView, FormView Working with XML: XML Classes – XMLTextWriter, XMLTextReader Caching: When to Use Caching, Output Caching, Data Caching LINQ: Understanding LINQ, LINQ Basics, ASP.NET AJAX: ScriptManager, Partial Refreshes, Progress Notification, Timed Refreshes |
Unit | Content |
Unit 1 | What is Android? Obtaining the required tools, creating first android app, understanding the components of screen, adapting display orientation, action bar, Activities and Intents, Activity Lifecycle and Saving State, Basic Views: TextView, Button, ImageButton, EditText, CheckBox, ToggleButton, RadioButton, and RadioGroup Views, ProgressBar View, AutoCompleteTextView, TimePicker View, DatePicker View, ListView View, Spinner View |
Unit 2 | User Input Controls, Menus, Screen Navigation, RecyclerView, Drawables, Themes and Styles, Material design, Providing resources for adaptive layouts, AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader, Connecting to the Internet, Broadcast receivers, Services, Notifications, Alarm managers, Transferring data efficiently. |
Unit 3 | Data – saving, retrieving, and loading: Overview to storing data, Shared preferences, SQLite primer, store data using SQLite database, ContentProviders, loaders to load and display data, Permissions, performance and security, Firebase and AdMob, Publish your app. |