Semester 5

UNIT 1 Introduction to Software Project Management: Introduction, Why is Software Project Management Important? What is a Project? Software Projects versus Other Types of Project, Contract Management and Technical Project Management, Activities Covered by Software Project Management, Plans, Methods and Methodologies, Some Ways of Categorizing Software Projects, Project Charter, Stakeholders, Setting Objectives, The Business Case, Project Success and Failure, What is Management? Management Control, Project Management Life Cycle, Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices.

Project Evaluation and Programme Management: Introduction, Business Case, Project Portfolio Management, Evaluation of Individual Projects, Cost–benefit Evaluation Techniques, Risk Evaluation, Programme Management, Managing the Allocation of Resources within Programmes, Strategic Programme Management, Creating a Programme, Aids to Programme Management, Some Reservations about Programme Management, Benefits Management.

An Overview of Project Planning : Introduction to Step Wise Project Planning, Step 0: Select Project, Step 1: Identify Project Scope and Objectives, Step 2: Identify Project Infrastructure, Step 3: Analyse Project Characteristics, Step 4: Identify Project Products and Activities, Step 5: Estimate Effort for Each Activity, Step 6: Identify Activity Risks, Step 7: Allocate Resources, Step 8: Review/Publicize Plan, Steps 9 and 10: Execute Plan/Lower Levels of Planning

UNIT 2 Selection of an Appropriate Project Approach: Introduction, Build or Buy? Choosing Methodologies and Technologies, Software Processes and Process Models, Choice of Process Models, Structure versus Speed of Delivery, The Waterfall Model, The Spiral Model, Software Prototyping, Other Ways of Categorizing Prototypes, Incremental Delivery, Atern/Dynamic Systems Development Method, Rapid Application Development, Agile Methods, Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Lean Software Development, Managing Iterative Processes, Selecting the Most Appropriate Process Model.

Software Effort Estimation: Introduction, Where are the Estimates Done? Problems with Over- and Under-Estimates, The Basis for Software Estimating, Software Effort Estimation Techniques, Bottomup Estimating, The Top-down Approach and Parametric Models, Expert Judgement, Estimating by Analogy, Albrecht Function Point Analysis, Function Points Mark II, COSMIC Full Function Points, COCOMO II: A Parametric Productivity Model, Cost Estimation, Staffing Pattern, Effect of Schedule Compression, Capers Jones Estimating Rules of Thumb.

UNIT 3  Activity Planning: Introduction, Objectives of Activity Planning, When to Plan, Project Schedules, Projects and Activities, Sequencing and Scheduling Activities, Network Planning Models, Formulating a Network Model, Adding the Time Dimension, The Forward Pass, Backward Pass, Identifying the Critical Path, Activity Float, Shortening the Project Duration, Identifying Critical Activities, Activity-on-Arrow Networks.

Risk Management: Introduction, Risk, Categories of Risk, Risk Management Approaches, A Framework for Dealing with Risk, Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Planning, Risk Management, Evaluating Risks to the Schedule, Boehm’s Top 10 Risks and Counter Measures, Applying the PERT Technique, Monte Carlo Simulation, Critical Chain Concepts.

Resource Allocation: Introduction, Nature of Resources, Identifying Resource Requirements, Scheduling Resources, Creating Critical Paths, Counting the Cost, Being Specific, Publishing the Resource Schedule, Cost Schedules, Scheduling Sequence.

UNIT 4 Monitoring and Control: Introduction, Creating the Framework, Collecting the Data, Review, Visualizing Progress, Cost Monitoring, Earned Value Analysis, Prioritizing Monitoring, Getting the Project Back to Target, Change Control, Software Configuration Management (SCM).

Managing Contracts: Introduction, Types of Contract, Stages in Contract Placement, Typical Terms of a Contract, Contract Management, Acceptance.

Managing People in Software Environments: Introduction, Understanding Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour: A Background, Selecting the Right Person for the Job, Instruction in the Best Methods, Motivation, The Oldham–Hackman Job Characteristics Model, Stress, Stress Management, Health and Safety, Some Ethical and Professional Concerns.

UNIT 5 Working in Teams: Introduction, Becoming a Team, Decision Making, Organization and Team Structures, Coordination Dependencies, Dispersed and Virtual Teams, Communication Genres, Communication Plans, Leadership.

Software Quality : Introduction, The Place of Software Quality in Project Planning, Importance of Software Quality, Defining Software Quality, Software Quality Models, ISO 9126, Product and Process Metrics, Product versus Process Quality Management, Quality Management Systems, Process Capability Models, Techniques to Help Enhance Software Quality, Testing, Software Reliability, Quality Plans.

Project Closeout: Introduction, Reasons for Project Closure, Project Closure Process, Performing a Financial Closure, Project Closeout Report.


The Internet of Things: An Overview : The Flavour of the Internet of Things, The “Internet” of “Things”, The Technology of the Internet of Things, Enchanted Objects, Who is Making the Internet of Things?

Design Principles for Connected Devices: Calm and Ambient Technology, Magic as Metaphor, Privacy, Keeping Secrets, Whose Data Is It Anyway? Web Thinking for Connected Devices, Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, First-Class Citizens On The Internet, Graceful Degradation, Affordances.

Internet Principles: Internet Communications: An Overview, IP, TCP, The IP Protocol Suite (TCP/IP), UDP, IP Addresses, DNS, Static IP Address Assignment, Dynamic IP Address Assignment, IPv6, MAC Addresses, TCP and UDP Ports, An Example: HTTP Ports, Other Common Ports, Application Layer Protocols, HTTP, HTTPS: Encrypted HTTP, Other Application Layer Protocols.

 UNIT 2 Thinking About Prototyping: Sketching, Familiarity, Costs versus Ease of Prototyping, Prototypes and Production, Changing Embedded Platform, Physical Prototypes and Mass Personalisation, Climbing into the Cloud, Open Source versus Closed Source, Why Closed? Why Open? Mixing Open and Closed Source, Closed Source for Mass Market Projects, Tapping into the Community.

Prototyping Embedded Devices: Electronics, Sensors, Actuators, Scaling Up the Electronics, Embedded Computing Basics, Microcontrollers, System-on-Chips, Choosing Your Platform, Arduino, Developing on the Arduino, Some Notes on the Hardware, Openness, Raspberry Pi, Cases and Extension Boards, Developing on the Raspberry Pi, Some Notes on the Hardware, Openness.

 UNIT 3  Prototyping the Physical Design: Preparation, Sketch, Iterate, and Explore, Nondigital Methods, Laser Cutting, Choosing a Laser Cutter, Software, Hinges and Joints, 3D Printing, Types of 3D Printing, Software, CNC Milling, Repurposing/Recycling.

Prototyping Online Components: Getting Started with an API, Mashing Up APIs, Scraping, Legalities, Writing a New API, Clockodillo, Security, Implementing the API, Using Curl to Test, Going Further, Real-Time Reactions, Polling, Comet, Other Protocols, MQ Telemetry Transport, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, Constrained Application Protocol.

 UNIT 4 Techniques for Writing Embedded Code: Memory Management, Types of Memory, Making the Most of Your RAM, Performance and Battery Life, Libraries, Debugging,

Business Models: A Short History of Business Models, Space and Time, From Craft to Mass Production, The Long Tail of the Internet, Learning from History, The Business Model Canvas, Who Is the Business Model For? Models, Make Thing, Sell Thing, Subscriptions, Customisation, Be a Key Resource, Provide Infrastructure: Sensor Networks, Take a Percentage, Funding an Internet of Things Startup, Hobby Projects and Open Source, Venture Capital, Government Funding, Crowdfunding, Lean Startups.

 UNIT 5 Moving to Manufacture: What Are You Producing? Designing Kits, Designing Printed circuit boards, Software Choices, The Design Process, Manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards, Etching Boards, Milling Boards. Assembly, Testing, Mass-Producing the Case and Other Fixtures, Certification, Costs, Scaling Up Software, Deployment, Correctness and Maintainability, Security, Performance, User Community.

Ethics: Characterizing the Internet of Things, Privacy, Control, Disrupting Control, Crowdsourcing, Environment, Physical Thing, Electronics, Internet Service, Solutions, The Internet of Things as Part of the Solution, Cautious Optimism, The Open Internet of Things Definition

 UNIT 1 Introducing .NET: The .NET Framework, C#, VB, and the .NET Languages, The Common Language Runtime, The .NET Class Library.

The C# Language: C# Language Basics, Variables and Data Types, Variable Operations, Object-Based Manipulation, Conditional Logic, Loops, Methods.

Types, Objects, and Namespaces: The Basics About Classes, Building a Basic Class, Value Types and Reference Types, Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies, Advanced Class Programming.

 UNIT 2 Web Form Fundamentals: Writing Code, Using the Code-Behind Class, Adding Event Handlers, Understanding the Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application, Introducing Server Controls, Using the Page Class, Using Application Events, Configuring an ASP.NET Application.

Form Controls: Stepping Up to Web Controls, Web Control Classes, List Controls, Table Controls, Web Control Events and AutoPostBack, Validation, Understanding Validation, Using the Validation Controls, Rich Controls, The Calendar, The AdRotator, Pages with Multiple Views, User Controls and Graphics, User Controls, Dynamic Graphics, The Chart Control, Website Navigation: Site Maps, URL Mapping and Routing, The SiteMapPath Control, The TreeView Control, The Menu Control.

 UNIT 3 Error Handling, Logging, and Tracing : Avoiding Common Errors, Understanding Exception Handling, Handling Exceptions, Throwing Your Own Exceptions, Using Page Tracing

State Management : Understanding the Problem of State, Using View State, Transferring Information Between Pages, Using Cookies, Managing Session State, Configuring Session State, Using Application State, Comparing State Management Options

Styles, Themes, and Master Pages : Styles, Themes, Master Page Basics, Advanced Master Pages,

 UNIT 4 ADO.NET Fundamentals: Understanding Databases, Configuring Your Database, Understanding SQL Basics, Understanding the Data Provider Model, Using Direct Data Access, Using Disconnected Data Access.

Data Binding: Introducing Data Binding, Using Single-Value Data Binding, Using Repeated-Value Data Binding, Working with Data Source Controls,

The Data Controls: The GridView, Formatting the GridView, Selecting a GridView Row, Editing with the GridView, Sorting and Paging the GridView, Using GridView Templates, The DetailsView and FormView

 UNIT 5 XML: XML Explained, The XML Classes, XML Validation, XML Display and Transforms.

Security Fundamentals: Understanding Security Requirements, Authentication and Authorization, Forms Authentication, Windows Authentication.

ASP.NET AJAX: Understanding Ajax, Using Partial Refreshes, Using Progress Notification, Implementing Timed Refreshes, Working with the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.

 UNIT 1 Introduction: What is Artificial Intelligence? Foundations of AI, history, the state of art AI today.

Intelligent Agents: agents and environment, good behavior, nature of environment, the structure of agents.

 UNIT 2 Solving Problems by Searching: Problem solving agents, examples problems, searching for solutions, uninformed search, informed search strategies, heuristic functions.

Beyond Classical Search: local search algorithms, searching with nondeterministic action, searching with partial observations, online search agents and unknown environments.

 UNIT 3 Adversarial Search: Games, optimal decisions in games, alpha-beta pruning, stochastic games, partially observable games, state-of-the-are game programs.

Logical Agents: Knowledge base agents, The Wumpus world, logic, propositional logic, propositional theorem proving, effective propositional model checking, agents based on propositional logic.

 UNIT 4 First Order Logic: Syntax and semantics, using First Order Logic, Knowledge engineering in First Order Logic.

Inference in First Order Logic: propositional vs. First Order, unification and lifting, forward and backward chaining, resolution.

 UNIT 5  Planning: Definition of Classical Planning, Algorithms for planning as state space search, planning graphs, other classical planning approaches, analysis of planning approaches, Time, Schedules and resources, hierarchical planning, Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains, multiagent planning,

Knowledge Representation: Categories and Objects, events, mental events and objects, reasoning systems for categories, reasoning with default information, Internet shopping world

UNIT 1 Introduction to Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Linux, Open Source and Red Hat, Origins of Linux, Distributions, Duties of Linux System Administrator.

Command Line: Working with the Bash Shell, Getting the Best of Bash, Useful Bash Key Sequences, Working with Bash History, Performing Basic File System Management Tasks, Working with Directories, Piping and Redirection, Finding Files

System Administration Tasks: Performing Job Management Tasks, System and Process Monitoring and Management, Managing Processes with ps, Sending Signals to Processes with the kill Command, Using top to Show Current System Activity, Managing Process Niceness, Scheduling Jobs, Mounting Devices, Working with Links, Creating Backups, Managing Printers, Setting Up System Logging, Setting Up Rsyslog, Common Log Files, Setting Up Logrotate

Managing Software: Understanding RPM, Understanding Meta Package Handlers, Creating Your Own Repositories, Managing Repositories, Installing Software with Yum, Querying Software, Extracting Files from RPM Packages

 UNIT 2 Configuring and Managing Storage: Understanding Partitions and Logical Volumes, Creating Partitions, Creating File Systems, File Systems Overview, Creating File Systems, Changing File System Properties, Checking the File System Integrity, Mounting File Systems Automatically Through fstab, Working with Logical Volumes, Creating Logical Volumes, Resizing Logical Volumes, Working with Snapshots, Replacing Failing Storage Devices, Creating Swap Space, Working with Encrypted Volumes

Connecting to the Network: Understanding NetworkManager, Working with Services and Runlevels, Configuring the Network with NetworkManager, Working with system-config-network, NetworkManager Configuration Files, Network Service Scripts, Networking from the Command Line, Troubleshooting Networking, Setting Up IPv6, Configuring SSH, Enabling the SSH Server, Using the SSH Client, Using PuTTY on Windows Machines, Configuring KeyBased SSH Authentication, Using Graphical Applications with SSH, Using SSH Port Forwarding, Configuring VNC Server Access

Working with Users, Groups, and Permissions: Managing Users and Groups, Commands for User Management, Managing Passwords, Modifying and Deleting User Accounts, Configuration Files, Creating Groups, Using Graphical Tools for User, and Group Management, Using External Authentication Sources, the Authentication Process, sssd, nsswitch, Pluggable Authentication Modules, Managing Permissions, the Role of Ownership, Basic Permissions: Read, Write, and Execute, Advanced Permissions, Working with Access Control Lists, Setting Default Permissions with umask, Working with Attributes

 UNIT 3 Securing Server with iptables: Understanding Firewalls, Setting Up a Firewall with system-config-firewall, Allowing Services, Trusted Interfaces, Masquerading, Configuration Files, Setting Up a Firewall with iptables, Tables, Chains, and Rules, Composition of Rule, Configuration Example, Advanced iptables Configuration, Configuring Logging, The Limit Module, Configuring NAT

Setting Up Cryptographic Services: Introducing SSL, Proof of Authenticity: the Certificate Authority, Managing Certificates with openssl, Creating a Signing Request, Working with GNU Privacy Guard, Creating GPG Keys, Key Transfer, Managing GPG Keys, Encrypting Files with GPG, GPG Signing, Signing RPM Files

Configuring Server for File Sharing: What is NFS? Advantages and Disadvantages of NFS, Configuring NFS4, Setting Up NFSv4, Mounting an NFS Share, Making NFS Mounts Persistent, Configuring Automount, Configuring Samba, Setting Up a Samba File Server, Samba Advanced Authentication Options, Accessing Samba Shares, Offering FTP Services.

 UNIT 4  Configuring DNS and DHCP: Introduction to DNS, The DNS Hierarchy, DNS Server Types, The DNS Lookup Process, DNS Zone Types, Setting Up a DNS Server, Setting Up a Cache-Only Name Server, Setting Up a Primary Name Server, Setting Up a Secondary Name Server, Understanding DHCP, Setting Up a DHCP Server

Setting Up a Mail Server: Using the Message Transfer Agent, the Mail Delivery Agent, the Mail User Agent, Setting Up Postfix as an SMTP Server, Working with Mutt, Basic Configuration, Internet Configuration, Configuring Dovecot for POP and IMAP

Configuring Apache on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Configuring the Apache Web Server, Creating a Basic Website, Understanding the Apache Configuration Files, Apache Log Files, Working with Virtual Hosts, Securing the Web Server with TLS Certificates, Configuring Authentication, Setting Up Authentication with .htpasswd, Configuring LDAP Authentication, Setting Up MySQL

 UNIT 5 Introducing Bash Shell Scripting: Introduction, Elements of a Good Shell Script, Executing the Script, Working with Variables and Input, Understanding Variables, Variables, Subshells, and Sourcing, Working with Script Arguments, Asking for Input, Using Command Substitution, Substitution Operators, Changing Variable Content with Pattern Matching, Performing Calculations, Using Control Structures, Using if…then…else, Using case, Using while, Using until, Using for, Configuring booting with GRUB.

High-Availability Clustering: High-Availability Clustering, The Workings of High Availability, High-Availability Requirements, Red Hat High-Availability Add-on Software, Components, Configuring Cluster-Based Services, Setting Up Bonding, Setting Up Shared Storage, Installing the Red Hat High Availability Add-On, Building the Initial State of the Cluster, Configuring Additional Cluster Properties, Configuring a Quorum Disk, Setting Up Fencing, Creating Resources and Services, Troubleshooting a Nonoperational Cluster, Configuring GFS2 File Systems

Setting Up an Installation Server: Configuring a Network Server as an Installation Server, Setting Up a TFTP and DHCP Server for PXE Boot, Installing the TFTP Server, Configuring DHCP for PXE Boot, Creating the TFTP PXE Server Content, Creating a Kickstart File, Using a Kickstart File to Perform an Automated, Installation, Modifying the Kickstart File with, system-config-kickstart, Making Manual Modifications to the Kickstart File

UNIT 1 Understanding Java EE: What is an Enterprise Application? What is java enterprise edition? Java EE Technologies, Java EE evolution, Glassfish server

Java EE Architecture, Server and Containers: Types of System Architecture, Java EE Server, Java EE Containers.

Introduction to Java Servlets: The Need for Dynamic Content, Java Servlet Technology, Why Servlets? What can Servlets do?

Servlet API and Lifecycle: Java Servlet API, The Servlet Skeleton, The Servlet Life Cycle, A Simple Welcome Servlet

Working With Servlets: Getting Started, Using Annotations Instead of Deployment Descriptor.

Working with Databases: What Is JDBC? JDBC Architecture, Accessing Database, The Servlet GUI and Database Example.

UNIT 2 Request Dispatcher: Resquestdispatcher Interface, Methods of Requestdispatcher, Requestdispatcher Application.

COOKIES: Kinds Of Cookies, Where Cookies Are Used? Creating Cookies Using Servlet, Dynamically Changing The Colors Of A Page

SESSION: What Are Sessions? Lifecycle Of Http Session, Session Tracking With Servlet API, A Servlet Session Example

Working With Files: Uploading Files, Creating an Upload File Application, Downloading Files, Creating a Download File Application.

Working With Non-Blocking I/O: Creating a Non-Blocking Read Application, Creating The Web Application, Creating Java Class, Creating Servlets, Retrieving The File, Creating index.jsp

UNIT 3 Introduction To Java Server Pages: Why use Java Server Pages? Disadvantages Of JSP, JSP v\s Servlets, Life Cycle of a JSP Page, How does a JSP function? How does JSP execute? About Java Server Pages

Getting Started With Java Server Pages: Comments, JSP Document, JSP Elements, JSP GUI Example.

Action Elements: Including other Files, Forwarding JSP Page to Another Page, Passing Parameters for other Actions, Loading a Javabean.

Implicit Objects, Scope And El Expressions: Implicit Objects, Character Quoting Conventions, Unified Expression Language [Unified EL], Expression Language.

Java Server Pages Standard Tag Libraries: What is wrong in using JSP Scriptlet Tags? How JSTL Fixes JSP Scriptlet’s Shortcomings? Disadvantages Of JSTL, Tag Libraries.

UNIT 4 Introduction To Enterprise Javabeans: Enterprise Bean Architecture, Benefits of Enterprise Bean, Types of Enterprise Bean, Accessing Enterprise Beans, Enterprise Bean Application, Packaging Enterprise Beans

Working With Session Beans: When to use Session Beans? Types of Session Beans, Remote and Local Interfaces, Accessing Interfaces, Lifecycle of Enterprise Beans, Packaging Enterprise Beans, Example of Stateful Session Bean, Example of Stateless Session Bean, Example of Singleton Session Beans.

Working with Message Driven Beans: Lifecycle of a Message Driven Bean, Uses of Message Driven Beans, The Message Driven Beans Example.

Interceptors: Request And Interceptor, Defining An Interceptor, AroundInvoke Method, Applying Interceptor, Adding An Interceptor To An Enterprise Bean, Build and Run the Web Application.

Java Naming and Directory Interface: What is Naming Service? What is Directory Service? What is Java Naming and Directory interface? Basic Lookup, JNDI Namespace in Java EE, Resources and JNDI, Datasource Resource Definition in Java EE.

UNIT 5 Persistence, Object/Relational Mapping And JPA: What is Persistence? Persistence in Java, Current Persistence Standards in Java, Why another Persistence Standards? Object/Relational Mapping,

Introduction to Java Persistence API: The Java Persistence API, JPA, ORM, Database and the Application, Architecture of JPA, How JPA Works? JPA Specifications.

Writing JPA Application: Application Requirement Specifications, Software Requirements, The Application Development Approach, Creating Database And Tables in Mysql, Creating a Web Application, Adding the Required Library Files, Creating a Javabean Class, Creating Persistence Unit [Persistence.Xml], Creating JSPS, The JPA Application Structure, Running The JPA Application.

Introduction to Hibernate: What is Hibernate? Why Hibernate? Hibernate, Database and The Application, Components of Hibernate, Architecture of Hibernate, How Hibernate Works?

Writing Hibernate Application: Application Requirement Specifications, Software Requirements, The Application Development Approach, Creating Database and Tables in Mysql, Creating a Web Application, Adding The Required Library Files, Creating a Javabean Class, Creating Hibernate Configuration File, Adding a Mapping Class, Creating JSPS, Running The Hibernate Application.

UNIT 1 Big Data: Getting Started, Big Data, Facts About Big Data, Big Data Sources, Three Vs of Big Data, Volume, Variety, Velocity, Usage of Big Data, Visibility, Discover and Analyze Information, Segmentation and Customizations, Aiding Decision Making, Innovation, Big Data Challenges, Policies and Procedures, Access to Data, Technology and Techniques, Legacy Systems and Big Data, Structure of Big Data, Data Storage, Data Processing, Big Data Technologies

NoSQL: SQL, NoSQL, Definition, A Brief History of NoSQL, ACID vs. BASE, CAP Theorem (Brewer’s Theorem), The BASE, NoSQL Advantages and Disadvantages, Advantages of NoSQL, Disadvantages of NoSQL, SQL vs. NoSQL Databases, Categories of NoSQL Databases

Introducing MongoDB: History, MongoDB Design Philosophy, Speed, Scalability, and Agility, Non-Relational Approach, JSON-Based Document Store, Performance vs. Features, Running the Database Anywhere, SQL Comparison

UNIT 2 The MongoDB Data Model: The Data Model, JSON and BSON, The Identifier (_id), Capped Collection, Polymorphic Schemas, Object-Oriented Programming, Schema Evolution

Using MongoDB Shell: Basic Querying, Create and Insert, Explicitly Creating Collections, Inserting Documents Using Loop, Inserting by Explicitly Specifying _id, Update, Delete, Read, Using Indexes, Stepping Beyond the Basics, Using Conditional Operators, Regular Expressions, MapReduce, aggregate(), Designing an Application’s Data Model, Relational Data Modeling and Normalization, MongoDB Document Data Model Approach

MongoDB Architecture: Core Processes, mongod, mongo, mongos, MongoDB Tools, Standalone Deployment, Replication, Master/Slave Replication, Replica Set, Implementing Advanced Clustering with Replica Sets, Sharding, Sharding Components, Data Distribution Process, Data Balancing Process, Operations, Implementing Sharding, Controlling Collection Distribution (Tag-Based Sharding), Points to Remember When Importing Data in a ShardedEnvironment, Monitoring for Sharding, Monitoring the Config Servers, Production Cluster Architecture, Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, Scenario 4

UNIT 3 MongoDB Storage Engine: Data Storage Engine, Data File (Relevant for MMAPv1), Namespace (.ns File), Data File (Relevant for WiredTiger), Reads and Writes, How Data Is Written Using Journaling, GridFS – The MongoDB File System, The Rationale of GridFS, GridFSunder the Hood, Using GridFS, Indexing, Types of Indexes, Behaviors and Limitations

MongoDB Use Cases: Use Case 1 -Performance Monitoring, Schema Design, Operations, Sharding, Managing the Data, Use Case 2 – Social Networking, Schema Design, Operations, Sharding

MongoDB Limitations: MongoDB Space Is Too Large (Applicable for MMAPv1), Memory Issues (Applicable for Storage Engine MMAPv1), 32-bit vs. 64-bit, BSON Documents, Namespaces Limits,
Indexes Limit, Capped Collections Limit – Maximum Number of Documents in a Capped Collection, Sharding Limitations, Shard Early to Avoid Any Issues, Shard Key Can’t Be Updated, Shard Collection Limit, Select the Correct Shard Key, Security Limitations, No Authentication by Default, Traffi c to and from MongoDB Isn’t Encrypted, Write and Read Limitations, Case-Sensitive Queries, Type-Sensitive Fields, No JOIN, Transactions, MongoDB Not Applicable

MongoDB Best Practices: Deployment, Hardware Suggestions from the MongoDB Site, Few Points to be Noted, Coding, Application Response Time Optimization, Data Safety, Administration, Replication Lag, Sharding, Monitoring

UNIT 4 The End of Disk? SSD and In-Memory Databases: The End of Disk?, Solid State Disk, The Economics of Disk, SSD-Enabled Databases, In-Memory Databases, TimesTen, Redis, SAP HANA, VoltDB, Oracle 12c “in-Memory Database, Berkeley Analytics Data Stack and Spark, Spark Architecture

jQuery: Introduction, Traversing the DOM, DOM Manipulation with jQuery, Events, Ajax with jQuery, jQuery Plug-ins, jQuery Image Slider

UNIT 5 JSON: Introduction, JSON Grammar, JSON Values, JSON Tokens, Syntax, JSON vs XML, Data Types, Objects, Arrays, Creating JSON, JSON Object, Parsing JSON, Persisting JSON, Data Interchange, JSON PHP, JSON HTML, JSONP

Semester 6

UNIT 1 Introduction to Quality: Historical Perspective of Quality, What is Quality? (Is it a fact or perception?), Definitions of Quality, Core Components of Quality, Quality View, Financial Aspect of Quality, Customers, Suppliers and Processes, Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Principles of Total Quality Management, Quality Management Through Statistical Process Control, Quality Management Through Cultural Changes, Continual (Continuous) Improvement Cycle, Quality in Different Areas, Benchmarking and Metrics, Problem Solving Techniques, Problem Solving Software Tools.

Software Quality: Introduction, Constraints of Software Product Quality Assessment, Customer is a King, Quality and Productivity Relationship, Requirements of a Product, Organisation Culture, Characteristics of Software, Software Development Process, Types of Products, Schemes of Criticality Definitions, Problematic Areas of Software Development Life Cycle, Software Quality Management, Why Software Has Defects? Processes Related to Software Quality, Quality Management System Structure, Pillars of Quality Management System, Important Aspects of Quality Management.

UNIT 2 Fundamentals of testing: Introduction, Necessity of testing, What is testing? Fundamental test process, The psychology of testing, Historical Perspective of Testing, Definitions of Testing, Approaches to Testing, Testing During Development Life Cycle, Requirement Traceability Matrix, Essentials of Software Testing, Workbench, Important Features of Testing Process, Misconceptions About Testing, Principles of Software Testing, Salient Features of Good Testing, Test Policy, Test Strategy or Test Approach, Test Planning, Testing Process and Number of Defects Found in Testing, Test Team Efficiency, Mutation Testing, Challenges in Testing, Test Team Approach, Process Problems Faced by Testing, Cost Aspect of Testing, Establishing Testing Policy, Methods, Structured Approach to Testing, Categories of Defect, Defect, Error, or Mistake in Software, Developing Test Strategy, Developing Testing Methodologies (Test Plan), Testing Process, Attitude Towards Testing (Common People Issues), Test Methodologies/Approaches, People Challenges in Software Testing, Raising Management Awareness for Testing, Skills Required by Tester, Testing throughout the software life cycle, Software development models, Test levels, Test types, the targets of testing, Maintenance testing
UNIT 3 Unit Testing: Boundary Value Testing: Normal Boundary Value Testing, Robust Boundary Value Testing, Worst-Case Boundary Value Testing, Special Value Testing, Examples, Random Testing, Guidelines for Boundary Value Testing,

Equivalence Class Testing: Equivalence Classes, Traditional Equivalence Class Testing, Improved Equivalence Class Testing, Edge Testing, Guidelines and Observations.

Decision Table–Based Testing: Decision Tables, Decision Table Techniques, Cause-and-Effect Graphing, Guidelines and Observations,

Path Testing: Program Graphs, DD-Paths, Test Coverage Metrics, Basis Path Testing, Guidelines and Observations,

Data Flow Testing: Define/Use Testing, Slice-Based Testing, Program Slicing Tools.

UNIT 4 Software Verification and Validation: Introduction, Verification, Verification Workbench, Methods of Verification, Types of reviews on the basis od Stage Phase, Entities involved in verification, Reviews in testing lifecycle, Coverage in Verification, Concerns of Verification, Validation, Validation Workbench, Levels of Validation, Coverage in Validation, Acceptance Testing, Management of Verification and Validation, Software development verification and validation activities.

V-test Model: Introduction, V-model for software, testing during Proposal stage, Testing during requirement stage, Testing during test planning phase, Testing during design phase, Testing during coding, VV Model, Critical Roles and Responsibilities.

UNIT 5 Levels of Testing: Introduction, Proposal Testing, Requirement Testing, Design Testing, Code Review, Unit Testing, Module Testing, Integration Testing, Big-Bang Testing, Sandwich Testing, Critical Path First, Sub System Testing, System Testing, Testing Stages.

Special Tests: Introduction, GUI testing, Compatibility Testing, Security Testing, Performance Testing, Volume Testing, Stress Testing, Recovery Testing, Installation Testing, Requirement Testing, Regression Testing, Error Handling Testing, Manual Support Testing, Intersystem Testing, Control Testing, Smoke Testing, Adhoc Testing, Parallel Testing, Execution Testing, Operations Testing, Compliance Testing, Usability Testing, Decision Table Testing, Documentation Testing, Training testing, Rapid Testing, Control flow graph, Generating tests on the basis of Combinatorial Designs, State Graph, Risk Associated with New Technologies, Process maturity level of Technology, Testing Adequacy of Control in New technology usage, Object Oriented Application Testing, Testing of Internal Controls, COTS Testing, Client Server Testing, Web Application Testing, Mobile Application Testing, eBusiness eCommerce Testing, Agile Development Testing, Data Warehousing Testing.


Information Security Overview: The Importance of Information Protection, The Evolution of Information Security, Justifying Security Investment, Security Methodology, How to Build a Security Program, The Impossible Job, The Weakest Link, Strategy and Tactics, Business Processes vs. Technical Controls.

Risk Analysis: Threat Definition, Types of Attacks, Risk Analysis.

Secure Design Principles: The CIA Triad and Other Models, Defense Models, Zones of Trust, Best Practices for Network Defense.

 UNIT 2 Authentication and Authorization: Authentication, Authorization

Encryption: A Brief History of Encryption, Symmetric-Key Cryptography, Public Key Cryptography, Public Key Infrastructure.

Storage Security: Storage Security Evolution, Modern Storage Security, Risk Remediation, Best Practices.

Database Security: General Database Security Concepts, Understanding Database Security Layers, Understanding Database-Level Security, Using Application Security, Database Backup and Recovery, Keeping Your Servers Up to Date, Database Auditing and Monitoring.

 UNIT 3 Secure Network Design: Introduction to Secure Network Design, Performance, Availability, Security.

Network Device Security: Switch and Router Basics, Network Hardening.

Firewalls: Overview, The Evolution of Firewalls, Core Firewall Functions, Additional Firewall Capabilities, Firewall Design.

Wireless Network Security: Radio Frequency Security Basics, Data-Link Layer Wireless Security Features, Flaws, and Threats, Wireless Vulnerabilities and Mitigations, Wireless Network Hardening Practices and Recommendations, Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Wireless Network Positioning and Secure Gateways.

 UNIT 4 Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: IDS Concepts, IDS Types and Detection Models, IDS Features, IDS Deployment Considerations, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

Voice over IP (VoIP) and PBX Security: Background, VoIP Components, VoIP Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures, PBX, TEM: Telecom Expense Management.

Operating System Security Models: Operating System Models, Classic Security Models, Reference Monitor, Trustworthy Computing, International Standards for Operating System Security.

 UNIT 5 Virtual Machines and Cloud Computing: Virtual Machines, Cloud Computing.

Secure Application Design: Secure Development Lifecycle, Application Security Practices, Web Application Security, Client Application Security, Remote Administration Security.

Physical Security: Classification of Assets, Physical Vulnerability Assessment, Choosing Site Location for Security, Securing Assets: Locks and Entry Controls, Physical Intrusion Detection.

 UNIT 1 Business intelligence: Effective and timely decisions, Data, information and knowledge, The role of mathematical models, Business intelligence architectures, Ethics and business intelligence

Decision support systems: Definition of system, Representation of the decision-making process, Evolution of information systems, Definition of decision support system, Development of a decision support system

 UNIT 2 Mathematical models for decision making: Structure of mathematical models, Development of a model, Classes of models

Data mining: Definition of data mining, Representation of input data , Data mining process, Analysis methodologies

Data preparation: Data validation, Data transformation, Data reduction

 UNIT 3 Classification: Classification problems, Evaluation of classification models, Bayesian methods, Logistic regression, Neural networks, Support vector machines

Clustering: Clustering methods, Partition methods, Hierarchical methods, Evaluation of clustering models

 UNIT 4 Business intelligence applications:
Marketing models: Relational marketing, Sales force management,Logistic and production models: Supply chain optimization, Optimization models for logistics planning, Revenue management systems.Data envelopment analysis: Efficiency measures, Efficient frontier, The CCR model, Identification of good operating practices
 UNIT 5 Knowledge Management: Introduction to Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning and Transformation, Knowledge Management Activities, Approaches to Knowledge Management, Information Technology (IT) In Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Systems Implementation, Roles of People in Knowledge Management

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems: Concepts and Definitions of Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Versus Natural Intelligence, Basic Concepts of Expert Systems, Applications of Expert Systems, Structure of Expert Systems, Knowledge Engineering, Development of Expert Systems


 UNIT 1 A Gentle Introduction to GIS
The nature of GIS: Some fundamental observations, Defining GIS, GISystems, GIScience and GIApplications, Spatial data and Geoinformation.

The real world and representations of it: Models and modelling, Maps, Databases, Spatial databases and spatial analysis.

Geographic Information and Spatial Database

Models and Representations of the real world
Geographic Phenomena: Defining geographic phenomena, types of geographic phenomena, Geographic fields, Geographic objects, Boundaries

Computer Representations of Geographic Information: Regular tessellations, irregular tessellations, Vector representations,

Topology and Spatial relationships, Scale and Resolution, Representation of Geographic fields, Representation of Geographic objects

Organizing and Managing Spatial Data

The Temporal Dimension

UNIT 2 Data Management and Processing Systems
Hardware and Software Trends
Geographic Information Systems: GIS Software, GIS Architecture and functionality, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).

Stages of Spatial Data handling: Spatial data handling and preparation, Spatial Data Storage and maintenance, Spatial Query and Analysis, Spatial Data Presentation.

Database management Systems: Reasons for using a DBMS, Alternatives for data management, The relational data model, Querying the relational database.

GIS and Spatial Databases: Linking GIS and DBMS, Spatial database functionality.

UNIT 3 Spatial Referencing and Positioning
Spatial Referencing: Reference surfaces for mapping, Coordinate Systems, Map Projections, Coordinate Transformations.

Satellite-based Positioning: Absolute positioning, Errors in absolute positioning, Relative positioning, Network positioning, code versus phase measurements,

Positioning technology.

Data Entry and Preparation
Spatial Data Input: Direct spatial data capture, Indirect spatial data capture, Obtaining spatial data elsewhere.

Data Quality: Accuracy and Positioning, Positional accuracy, Attribute accuracy, temporal accuracy, Lineage, Completeness, Logical consistency.

Data Preparation: Data checks and repairs, Combining data from multiple sources.

Point Data Transformation: Interpolating discrete data, Interpolating continuous data.

 UNIT 4 Spatial Data Analysis
Classification of analytical GIS Capabilities
Retrieval, classification and measurement: Measurement, Spatial selection queries, Classification.

Overlay functions: Vector overlay operators,Raster overlay

Neighbourhood functions: Proximity computations, Computation of diffusion, Flow computation, Raster based surface analysis

Analysis: Network analysis, interpolation, terrain modeling

GIS and Application models: GPS, Open GIS Standards, GIS Applications and Advances

Error Propagation in spatial data processing: How Errors propagate, Quantifying error propagation

UNIT 5 Data Visualization
GIS and Maps, The Visualization Process
Visualization Strategies: Present or explore?The cartographic toolbox: What kind of data do I have? How can I map my data?

How to map? How to map qualitative data, How to map quantitative data, How to map the terrain elevation, How to map time series.

Map Cosmetics, Map Dissemination


UNIT 1 General Network Design: Network Design Methodology, Architectures for the Enterprise, Borderless Networks Architecture, Collaboration and Video Architecture, Data Center and Virtualization Architecture, Design Lifecycle: Plan, Build, Manage Plan Phase Build Phase Manage Phase Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and Optimize Phases Prepare Phase Plan Phase Design Phase Implement Phase Operate Phase Optimize Phase Summary of PPDIOO Phases Project Deliverables Design Methodology Identifying Customer Design Requirements Characterizing the Existing Network Steps in Gathering Information Network Audit Tools Network Checklist Designing the Network Topology and Solutions Top-Down Approach Pilot and Prototype Tests Design Document

Network Design Models: Hierarchical Network Models Benefits of the Hierarchical Model, Hierarchical Network Design, Core Layer, Distribution Layer, Access Layer, Hierarchical Model Examples, Hub-and-Spoke, Design Collapsed Core, Design Enterprise Architecture Model, Enterprise Campus Module, Enterprise Edge Area, E-Commerce Module, Internet Connectivity Module, VPN/Remote Access, Enterprise WAN, Service Provider Edge Module, Remote Modules, Enterprise Branch Module, Enterprise Data Center Module, Enterprise Teleworker Module, High Availability Network Services, Workstation-to-Router Redundancy and LAN, High Availability Protocols, ARP Explicit Configuration, RDP, RIP, HSRP, VRRP, GLBP, Server Redundancy, Route Redundancy, Load Balancing, Increasing Availability, Link Media Redundancy

 UNIT 2 Enterprise LAN Design: LAN Media, Ethernet Design Rules, 100Mbps Fast Ethernet Design Rules, Gigabit Ethernet Design Rules, 1000BASE-LX Long-Wavelength Gigabit Ethernet, 1000BASE-SX Short-Wavelength Gigabit Ethernet, 1000BASE-CX Gigabit Ethernet over Coaxial Cable, 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet over UTP 86, 10 Gigabit Ethernet Design Rules, 10GE Media Types, EtherChannel, Comparison of Campus Media LAN Hardware, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Layer 3 Switches, Campus LAN Design and Best Practices Best Practices for Hierarchical Layers, Access Layer Best Practices, Distribution Layer Best Practices, Core Layer Best Practices, STP Design Considerations, STP Toolkit, PortFast, UplinkFast, BackboneFast, Loop Guard, Root Guard, BPDU Guard, BPDU Filter, VLAN and Trunk Considerations, Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) Protocol, Large-Building LANs, Enterprise Campus LANs, Edge Distribution, Medium-Size LANs, Small and Remote Site LANs, Server Farm Module, Server Connectivity Options, Enterprise Data Center Infrastructure, Campus LAN QoS Considerations, Multicast Traffic Considerations, CGMP, IGMP Snooping.

Data Center Design: Enterprise DC Architecture, Data Center Foundation Components, Data Center Topology Components, Data Center Network Programmability, SDN, Controllers, APIs, ACI, Challenges in the DC, Data Center Facility Aspects, Data Center Space, Data Center Power, Data Center Cooling, Data Center Heat, Data Center Cabling, Enterprise DC Infrastructure, Data Center Storage, Data Center Reference Architecture, Defining the DC Access Layer, Defining the DC Aggregation Layer, Defining the DC Core Layer, Security in the DC, Fabric Extenders, Virtualization Overview, Challenges, Defining Virtualization and Benefits, Virtualization Risks, Types of Virtualization, Virtualization Technologies, VSS, VRF, vPC, Device Contexts, Server Virtualization, Server Scaling, Virtual Switching, Network Virtualization Design Considerations, Access Control, Path Isolation, Services Edge, Data Center Interconnect, DCI Use Cases, DCI Transport Options, DCI L2 Considerations, Load Balancing in the DC, Application Load Balancing, Network Load Balancing.

 UNIT 3 Wireless LAN Design: Wireless LAN Technologies, WLAN Standards, ISM and UNII Frequencies, Summary of WLAN Standards, Service Set Identifier, WLAN Layer 2 Access Method, WLAN Security, Unauthorized Access, WLAN Security Design Approach, IEEE 802.1X-2001 Port-Based Authentication, Dynamic WEP Keys and LEAP, Controlling WLAN Access to Servers, WLAN Authentication, Authentication Options, WLAN Controller Components, WLC Interface Types, AP Controller Equipment Scaling, Roaming and Mobility Groups, Intracontroller Roaming, Layer 2 Intercontroller Roaming, Layer 3 Intercontroller Roaming, Mobility Groups, WLAN Design, Controller Redundancy Design: Deterministic vs. Dynamic, N+1 WLC Redundancy, N+N WLC Redundancy, N+N+1 WLC Redundancy, Radio Management and Radio Groups, RF Groups, RF Site Survey, Using EoIP Tunnels for Guest Services, Wireless Mesh for Outdoor Wireless, Mesh Design Recommendations, Campus Design Considerations, Power over Ethernet (PoE), Wireless and Quality of Service (QoS), Branch Design Considerations, Local MAC, REAP, Hybrid REAP, Branch Office Controller Options.

WAN Technologies and the Enterprise Edge: WAN and Enterprise Edge Overview, Definition of WAN, WAN Edge Module, Enterprise
Edge Modules, WAN Transport Technologies, ISDN, ISDN BRI Service, ISDN PRI Service, Digital Subscriber Line, Cable, Wireless, Frame Relay, Time-Division Multiplexing, Metro Ethernet, SONET/SDH, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Dark Fiber, Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, Ordering WAN Technology and Contracts, WAN and Edge Design Methodologies, Response Time, Throughput, Reliability, Bandwidth Considerations, WAN Link Categories, Optimizing Bandwidth Using QoS, Queuing, Traffic Shaping and Policing, Classification, Congestion Management, Priority Queuing, Custom Queuing, Weighted Fair Queuing, Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing, Low-Latency Queuing, Traffic Shaping and Policing, Link Efficiency, Window Size, DMZ Connectivity, Segmenting DMZs, DMZ Services, Internet Connectivity, Centralized Internet (Branch) vs. Direct Internet (Branch), High Availability for the Internet Edge, VPN Network Design.

WAN Design
Traditional WAN Technologies Hub-and-Spoke Topology
Full-Mesh Topology Partial-Mesh Topology Point-to-Point Topology Remote Site Connectivity
Enterprise VPN vs. Service Provider VPN Enterprise Managed VPN: IPsec IPsec Direct Encapsulation Generic Routing Encapsulation IPsec DMVPN IPsec Virtual Tunnel Interface Design GETVPN Service Provider–Managed Offerings ,Metro Ethernet Service Provider VPNs: L2 vs. L3 ,Virtual Private Wire Services VPWS L2 VPN Considerations ,Virtual Private LAN Services VPLS L2 VPN Considerations ,MPLS, MPLS Layer 3 Design Overview MPLS L3 VPN Considerations ,VPN Benefits WAN Backup Design WAN Backup over the Internet Enterprise WAN Architecture Cisco Enterprise MAN/WAN Enterprise WAN/MAN Architecture Comparison ,Enterprise WAN Components Comparing Hardware and Software Enterprise Branch Architecture Branch Design Branch Connectivity Redundancy for Branches Single WAN Carrier vs. Dual WAN Carriers Single MPLS Carrier Site ,Dual MPLS Carriers Hybrid WAN: L3 VPN with IPsec VPN ,Internet for Branches Flat Layer 2 vs. Collapsed Core ,Enterprise Branch Profiles Small Branch Design Medium Branch Design Large Branch Design Enterprise Teleworker Design ,ISRs for Teleworkers

 UNIT 4 Internet Protocol Version 4 Design,IPv4 Header ToS IPv4 Fragmentation IPv4 Addressing ,IPv4 Address Classes Class A Addresses Class B Addresses ,Class C Addresses Class D Addresses Class E Addresses ,IPv4 Address Types IPv4 Private Addresses NAT ,IPv4 Address Subnets Mask Nomenclature IP Address Subnet Design Example Determining the Network Portion of an IP Address Variable-Length Subnet Masks, Loopback Addresses IP Telephony Networks ,IPv4 Addressing Design Goal of IPv4 Address Design , Plan for Future Use of IPv4 Addresses , Performing Route Summarization , Plan for a Hierarchical IP Address Network , Private and Public IP Address and NAT Guidelines , Steps for Creating an IPv4 Address Plan

Case Study: IP Address Subnet Allocation , Address Assignment and Name Resolution , Recommended Practices of IP Address Assignment , BOOTP DHCP DNS , Internet Protocol Version 6 Design, IPv6 Header IPv6 Address Representation IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Addresses IPv6 Prefix Representation IPv6 Address Scope Types and Address Allocations IPv6 Address Allocations IPv6 Unicast Address Global Unicast Addresses Link-Local Addresses , Unique Local IPv6 Address Global Aggregatable IPv6 Address , IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address IPv6 Anycast Addresses , IPv6 Multicast Addresses IPv6 Mechanisms ICMPv6 , IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol IPv6 Name Resolution , Path MTU Discovery IPv6 Address-Assignment Strategies , Manual Configuration SLAAC of Link-Local Address , SLAAC of Globally Unique IPv6 Address DHCPv6 , DHCPv6 Lite IPv6 Security IPv6 Routing Protocols
RIPng OSPFv3 , BGP4 Multiprotocol Extensions (MP-BGP) for IPv6 , IPv6 Addressing Design , Planning for Addressing with IPv6 , Route Summarization with IPv6 IPv6 Private Addressing
IPv6 for the Enterprise IPv6 Address Allocation , Partly Linked IPv4 Address into IPv6, Whole IPv4 Address Linked into IPv6
IPv6 Addresses Allocated Per Location and/or Type , IPv4-to-IPv6 Transition Mechanisms and Deployment Models , Dual-Stack Mechanism IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnels , Protocol Translation Mechanisms IPv6 Deployment Models , Dual-Stack Model Hybrid Model Service Block Model ,IPv6 Deployment Model Comparison IPv6 Comparison with IPv4 ,OSPF, BGP, Route Manipulation, and IP Multicast,OSPFv2 OSPFv2 Metric OSPFv2 Adjacencies and Hello Timers , OSPFv2 Areas OSPF Area Design Considerations OSPF Router Types OSPF DRs LSA Types Autonomous System External Path Types OSPF Stub Area Types Stub Areas Totally Stubby Areas , NSSAs Virtual Links OSPFv2 Router Authentication , OSPFv2 Summary OSPFv3 OSPFv3 Changes from OSPFv2, OSPFv3 Areas and Router Types OSPFv3 LSAs OSPFv3 Summary
BGP BGP Neighbors eBGP iBGP Route Reflectors Confederations BGP Administrative Distance, BGP Attributes, Weight, and the BGP Decision Process
BGP Path Attributes Next-Hop Attribute Local Preference Attribute Origin Attribute Autonomous System Path Attribute
MED Attribute Community Attribute Atomic Aggregate and Aggregator Attributes Weight BGP Decision Process, BGP Summary, Route Manipulation PBR Route Summarization
Route Redistribution Default Metric OSPF Redistribution Route Filtering Transit Traffic Routing Protocols on the Hierarchical Network Infrastructure IP Multicast Review, Multicast Addresses Layer 3 to Layer 2 Mapping IGMP, IGMPv1 IGMPv2 IGMPv3 CGMP IGMP Snooping, Sparse Versus Dense Multicast Multicast Source and Shared Trees PIM PIM-SM PIM DR Auto-RP PIMv2 Bootstrap Router, DVMRP IPv6 Multicast Addresses

 UNIT 5 Managing Security
Network Security Overview Security Legislation Security Threats Reconnaissance and Port Scanning Vulnerability Scanners
Unauthorized Access Security Risks Targets Loss of Availability
Integrity Violations and Confidentiality Breaches , Security Policy and Process Security Policy Defined , Basic Approach of a Security Policy Purpose of Security Policies, Security Policy Components Risk Assessment , Risk Index Continuous Security Integrating Security Mechanisms into Network Design Trust and Identity Management , Trust Domains of Trust Identity Passwords Tokens Certificates , Network Access Control Secure Services Encryption Fundamentals Encryption Keys VPN Protocols , Transmission Confidentiality Data Integrity Threat Defense , Physical Security Infrastructure Protection Security Management Solutions Security Solution Network Security Platforms , Trust and Identity Technologies Firewall Fundamentals , Types of Firewalls Next-Gen Firewalls NAT Placement , Firewall Guidelines Firewall ACLs , Identity and Access Control Deployments Detecting and Mitigating Threats IPS/IDS Fundamentals IPS/IDS Guidelines , Threat Detection and Mitigation Technologies , Threat-Detection and Threat-Mitigation Solutions , FirePOWER IPS Security Management Applications , Security Platform Solutions Security Management Network
Integrating Security into Network Devices IOS Security, ISR G2 Security Hardware Options Securing the Enterprise, Implementing Security in the Campus Implementing Security in the Data Center Implementing Security in the Enterprise EdgeNetwork Management Protocols, Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP Components, MIB SNMP Message Versions SNMPv1 SNMPv2 SNMPv3, Other Network Management Technologies RMON, RMON2 NetFlow Compared to RMON and SNMP, CDP LLDP Syslog
UNIT 1 Power of Arrest Without Warrant Under the IT Act, 2000: A Critique, Crimes of this Millennium, Section 80 of the IT Act, 2000 – A Weapon or a Farce? Forgetting the Line Between Cognizable and Non-Cognizable Offences, Necessity of Arrest without Warrant from Any Place, Public or Otherwise, Check and Balances Against Arbitrary Arrests, Arrest for “About to Commit” an Offence Under the IT Act: A Tribute to Draco, Arrest, But NO Punishment!

Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice: Penalties, Adjudication and Appeals Under the IT Act, 2000: Concept of “Cyber Crime “ and the IT Act , 2000, Hacking, Teenage Web Vandals, Cyber Fraud and Cyber Cheating, Virus on the Internet, Defamation, Harassment and E-mail Abuse, Cyber Pornography, Other IT Act Offences, Monetary Penalties, Adjudication and Appeals Under IT Act , 2000, Network Service Providers, Jurisdiction and Cyber Crime, Nature of Cyber Criminality, Strategies to Tackle Cyber Crime and Trends, Criminal Justice in India and Implications on Cyber Crime.

UNIT 2 Contracts in the Infotech World: Contracts in the Infotech World, Click-Wrap and Shrink-Wrap Contract: Status under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, Contract Formation Under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, Contract Formation on the Internet, Terms and Conditions of Contracts.

Jurisdiction in the Cyber World: Questioning the Jurisdiction and Validity of the Present Law of Jurisdiction, Civil Law of Jurisdiction in India, Cause of Action, Jurisdiction and the Information Technology Act,2000, Foreign Judgements in India, Place of Cause of Action in Contractual and IPR Disputes, Exclusion Clauses in Contracts, Abuse of Exclusion Clauses, Objection of Lack of Jurisdiction, Misuse of the Law of Jurisdiction, Legal Principles on Jurisdiction in the United State of America, Jurisdiction Disputes w.r.t. the Internet in the United State of America.

UNIT 3 Battling Cyber Squatters and Copyright Protection in the Cyber World: Concept of Domain Name and Reply to Cyber Squatters, Meta-Tagging, Legislative and Other Innovative Moves Against Cyber Squatting, The Battle Between Freedom and Control on the Internet, Works in Which Copyright Subsists and meaning of Copyright, Copyright Ownership and Assignment, License of Copyright, Copyright Terms and Respect for Foreign Works, Copyright Infringement, Remedies and Offences, Copyright Protection of Content on the Internet; Copyright Notice, Disclaimer and Acknowledgement, Downloading for Viewing Content on the Internet, Hyper-Linking and Framing, Liability of ISPs for Copyright Violation in the Cyber World: Legal Developments in the US, Napster and its Cousins: A Revolution on the Internet but a Crisis for Copyright Owners, Computer Software Piracy.
UNIT 4 E-Commerce Taxation: Real Problems in the Virtual World: A Tug of War on the Concept of ‘Permanent Establishment’, Finding the PE in Cross Border E-Commerce, The United Nations Model Tax Treaty, The Law of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and Taxable Jurisdiction Over Non-Residents, Under the Income Tax Act, 1961, Tax Agents of Non-Residents under the Income Tax Act,1961 and the Relevance to E-Commerce, Source versus Residence and Classification between Business Income and Royalty, The Impact of the Internet on Customer Duties, Taxation Policies in India: At a Glance.

Digital Signature, Certifying Authorities and E-Governance: Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Certificate, Certifying Authorities and Liability in the Event of Digital Signature Compromise, E-Governance in India: A Warning to Babudom!

UNIT 5 The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 v. Information Technology Act, 2000: Status of Electronic Records as Evidence, Proof and Management of Electronic Records; Relevancy, Admissibility and Probative Value of E-Evidence, Proving Digital Signatures, Proof of Electronic Agreements, Proving Electronic Messages, Other Amendments in the Indian Evidence Act by the IT Act, Amendments to the Bankers Books Evidence Act, 1891 and Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

Protection of Cyber Consumers in India: Are Cyber Consumers Covered Under the Consumer Protection Act? Goods and Services, Consumer Complaint, Defect in Goods and Deficiency in Services, Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practices, Instances of Unfair Trade Practices, Reliefs Under CPA, Beware Consumers, Consumer Foras, Jurisdiction and Implications on cyber Consumers in India, Applicability of CPA to Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers and Service Providers Based in Foreign Lands Whose Goods are Sold or Services Provided to a Consumer in India.
Amendments in Indian IT Act 2000

UNIT 1 IT Service Management: Introduction, What is service management? What are services? Business Process,

Principles of Service management: Specialisation and Coordination, The agency principle, Encapsulation, Principles of systems, The service Life Cycle, Functions and processes across the life cycle.

Service Strategy Principles: Value creation, Service Assets, Service Provider Service Structures, Service Strategy Principles.

Service Strategy: Define the market, Develop the offerings, Develop Strategic Assets, Prepare for execution.

Challenges, Critical Success factors and risks: Complexity, Coordination and Control, Preserving value, Effectiveness in measurement, Risks.

UNIT 2 Service Design: Fundamentals,

Service Design Principles: Goals, Balanced Design, Identifying Service requirements, identifying and documenting business requirements and drivers, Design activities, Design aspects, Subsequent design activities, Design constraints, Service oriented architecture, Business Service Management, Service Design Models

Service Design Processes: Service Catalogue Management, Service Level Management, Capacity Management, Availability Management, IT Service Continuity Management, Information Security Management, Supplier Management

Challenges, Critical Success factors and risks: Challenges, Risks

UNIT 3 Service Transition: Fundamentals, Service Transition Principles: Principles Supporting Service Transition, Policies for Service Transition

Service Transition Processes: Transition planning and support, Change Management, Service Asses Configuration Management, Service and Deployment Management, Service Validation and Testing, Evaluation, Knowledge Management.

Challenges, Critical Success factors and risks: Challenges, Critical Success factors, Risks, Service Transition under difficult Conditions.

UNIT 4 Service Operation: Fundamentals, Service Operation Principles: Functions, groups, teams, departments and divisions, achieving balance in service operations, Providing service, Operation staff involvement in service design and service transition, Operational Health, Communication, Documentation.

Service Operation Processes: Event Management, Incident Management, Request fulfilment, Problem Management, Access Management, Operational activities of processes covered in other lifecycle phases.

Challenges, Critical Success factors and risks: Challenges, Critical Success factors, Risks.

UNIT 5 Continual Service Improvement(CSI) Principles: CSI Approach, CSI and organizational change, Ownership, CSI register, External and Internal drivers, Service level management, Knowledge management, The Deming cycle, Service Measurement, IT governance, Frameworks, models, standards and quality Systems, CSI inputs and outputs.
CSI Process: The seven-step improvement process.

CSI Methods and Techniques: Methods and techniques, Assessments, benchmarking, Service Measurement, Metrics, Return on Investment, Service reporting, CSI and other service management processes,

Organising for CSI: Organisational development, Functions, roles, Customer Engagement, Responsibility model – RACI, Competence and training.

Technology considerations: Tools to support CSI activities.

Implementing CSI: Critical Considerations for implementing CSI, The start, Governance, CSI and organisational change, Communication Strategy and Plan.